My mom grew up as a migrant worker picking fruits and vegetables in the fields of Texas and Michigan as early as 4 years old. She and her family would wake up with the sun and start picking until it was time to go to school. After school, they went back to picking until sundown. My mom did this every day, including winters and summers, until she was old enough to get a waitressing job at a local restaurant to contribute money to her family. Her entire life has been about work and even now, as an accomplished immigration and criminal defense attorney, she still puts in seven day weeks.
Because of her over-worked childhood, she was jaded about giving her kids chores when we were little. She wanted us to focus on schoolwork and extracurricular activities—all of the things she missed out on as a child. As a result, we weren’t expected to do much around the house besides cleaning up after ourselves and keeping our bedrooms tidy.
Looking back, I do wish I had more responsibilities growing up. I truly believe they would have helped me with time management and personal accountability—all things I had to learn the hard way in college. Now, as a mother of two, I know that assigning chores to my children will not give them a dreadful childhood but, in fact, will help them build self-reliance and responsibility.
Why is it Important for Children to Do Chores?
Donna Volpitta, a parenting expert and co-author of The Resilience Formula: A Guide to Proactive, Not Reactive, Parenting, agrees, telling us that, “Chores are important because they are critical for healthy brain development. When we contribute, our brains release neurochemicals that make us feel good. Think of neurochemicals as text messages to the brain. When kids perform chores or successfully complete a task, they get messages that say, ‘Wow – that felt good” (dopamine), ‘Wow- you are really good at that’ (serotonin), and ‘Boy, you are loved’ (oxytocin).”
When kids are not given the opportunity to experience that, she says, we are priming their brains to seek that elsewhere. “I love to say to parents that self-esteem is not a gift you can give,” Volpitta mentions. “It is a neurochemical reaction that you rob your child of when you don’t allow them to struggle.”
Could my struggles as a mom with anxiety and depression stem from a lack of chores growing up? There’s no way to really tell, of course. I’m sure there are many things I could unpack from my childhood that are likely contributors, but if assigning chores to my children will assist in the avoidance of anxiety and depression, then let’s get the chore chart out!

How Early Can Children Begin Doing Chores?
Michael Delman, CEO, and Founder of Beyond BookSmart says to “Explain to your children very early on [as early as two] that chores are simply part of being a member of the household. It’s a simple fact that the house won’t run itself, and everyone needs to contribute a fair amount. The reward for all is if everyone can count on each other to do their jobs, then everyone benefits.”
Delman also explains not to expect kids to perfect their chores from the get-go. “As kids get older, don’t assume they will just magically know how to do things like taking out the garbage or loading a dishwasher. These often need to be broken down in pieces and explained and modeled bit by bit so a child really understands what the completed task should look like.” Children gain a sense of pride, ownership, and responsibility when they know they have contributed in a meaningful way, he tells us. So don’t be shy on the praise, even if it’s not perfect.
Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids
Below is a list of some age-appropriate chores to help inspire you to teach your children self-reliance and responsibility—and they can start before they’re even 2 years old!
Chores for Kids Ages 18-24 months
- Put dirty clothes in hamper
- Clean up toys after playtime
- Throw dirty diapers away
- Help with meal prep (stirring, mixing, etc.)
- Use a cloth to wipe up a spill
Chores for Kids Ages 2-3
All of the above, plus
- Help move laundry from washer to dryer
- Put clothes away in drawers
- Put trash in trash can
- Dust shelves and surfaces
- Match and fold socks
- Clean up bath toys
- Sweep up small messes
- Water plants
- Put books back on bookshelf
Chores for Kids Ages 4-5
All of the above, plus
- Clean up spills
- Make bed
- Feed pets
- Organize toys
- Set and clear the table
- Help put groceries away
- Pack their own backpack
- Replace toilet paper roll
Chores for Kids Ages 6-8
All of the above, plus
- Fold laundry
- Load and unload dishwasher
- Take out the trash and recycling
- Take trashcan to the curb
- Bring in the mail/newspaper
- Wipe down kitchen and bathroom counters
- Rake leaves and weed
- Walk dog
Chores for Kids Ages 9-11
All of the above, plus
- Vacuum
- Microwave simple meals
- Clean bathroom
- Mop floors
- Keep an eye on younger siblings
Chores for Kids Ages 12+
All of the above, plus
- Cook simple meals
- Mow lawn using a push mower (16+ for riding mower)
- Babysit younger siblings (some states require child to be 14)
Download Our Free Chore Charts for Kids
We’ve created free printable chore charts for kids at every age, plus a blank chore chart you can customize to fit your family’s needs. Download below:

Gabriela Garcia, Contributing Writer
Gabriela is a Chicago-based writer, mom-of-two, and founder of Modern Brown Girl. She loves to cook food that her children don’t eat and pretends to be a bibliophile when in reality she’s a Bravo TV and chip addict.