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This post was in partnership with Cerebelly but all of the opinions within are those of The Everymom editorial board. We only recommend products we genuinely love.

Your Baby Just Turned One—Here Are 25 Amazon Essentials to Ease the Transition


The Everymom’s product selections are curated by the editorial team. If you buy something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission, at no cost to you. We only recommend products we genuinely love.



Well, you swore it wouldn’t happen, but it did. Your sweet little baby is now a big, busy toddler, and you are left wondering where the time went. It’s just like the saying goes: The days are long, but the years are much too short. Toddlers are a whole new ball game, metaphorically speaking. With their newfound mobility, energy, and curiosity, they are sure to rock your world (and house). They are constantly learning about themselves and always want to exert their independence and knowledge in every single way. While this may cause a few (ha!) frustrations on your end, you’ll be undoubtedly proud of how quickly your little one is growing.

And you might need a few things to support their latest learning endeavors. While we always want to encourage our kids’ independence, we also want to keep them safe. As their needs change, your gear will too. If you’re wondering what you’ll need as the parent of a new toddler, here are some of our top picks for the best Amazon items for 1-year-olds:


As most kids transition into the toddler stage, a notable shift occurs in their eating habits, often marked by a newfound pickiness that can leave parents feeling a bit frustrated. Suddenly, foods they once were obsessed with are now met with a firm “no!” However, rather than engaging in these battles every day, embracing this phase as a natural part of development can lead to more calm and collected meal times. One approach is to introduce healthy snacks that are not only delicious but also pack a nutritional punch. Enter Cerebelly, a brand our editors have trusted and loved for years, offering a range of snacks specially crafted to meet the needs of growing 1-year-olds.

Cerebelly’s selection of snacks caters perfectly to toddlers, offering a variety of options to keep them happy and full throughout the day. From nutrient-packed bars bursting with flavors like banana blueberry to creamy purees filled with essential vitamins and minerals, Cerebelly ensures that snack time is not only delicious but also a prime opportunity to get in all those much-needed nutrients. These snacks are carefully formulated to support healthy development, incorporating ingredients that promote brain health, immune function, and overall well-being. With Cerebelly, you can feel confident knowing that your little ones are indulging in snacks that are both tasty and beneficial for their growing bodies and minds.

Amazon | Cerebelly
Toddler Snack Bars
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Amazon | Cerebelly
Puree Pouches
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Step Stools

Toddlers LOVE doing things on their own. The only problem is that they can’t always reach the things they want to do. A learning tower in the kitchen can help your child safely be a part of the action, and a smaller stool is a bathroom must-have for reaching the sink while learning how to wash hands and brush teeth.

Amazon | Naomi Home
Toddler Kitchen Stool
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toddler products learning tower
Amazon | Skip Hop
Double Up Toddler Step Stool
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Faucet Extender

If the stool is not enough, a faucet extender helps get the water where it needs to be—and your hands are left free to help without having to boost your tot over the edge of the sink.

faucet extender
Amazon | Prince Lionheart
Faucet Extender
Shop now

Convertible Car Seat

Once your little one outgrows their infant car seat (or, more likely, gets too big to carry that thing around!), a convertible seat is the next step. While the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) previously recommended children be rear-facing until age two, they recently updated those guidelines to encourage parents to keep their children rear-facing even longer. If you’re looking to practice extended rear-facing, be sure to look for a convertible car seat with higher rear-facing height and weight maximums.

Amazon | Britax
Marathon Convertible Car Seat
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Amazon | Maxi Cosi
Pria All-in-1 Convertible Car Seat
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Amazon | Evenflo
2-in-1 Rotational Car Seat
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Toddler Bed or Bed Rail

As it becomes apparent that your little one is ready to switch from a crib to a bed (climbing out of the crib is a sure sign!), there are a few ways to go. You can convert your crib into a bed, buy a new toddler bed altogether, or transfer them into a larger bed (twin and full being the most popular options) with a rail to prevent them from falling out. Many families start by just putting the mattress on the floor, too, and letting their children acclimate before getting a new bed frame.

Amazon | Dream On Me
Toddler Bed
Shop now
Amazon | Hiccapop
Toddler Bed Rail
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Toddler Pillows and Blankets

Toddlers love feeling grown-up, so switching out the flat mattress and sleep sack for a cute toddler pillow and blanket can go a long way in making their new sleep settings more comfortable.

Amazon | KeaBabies
Toddler Pillow
Shop now
Amazon | Aden + Anais
Toddler Blanket
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Amazon | NTBAY
Down Alternative Toddler Comforter
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Convertible High Chair or Booster Seat

If your current high chair doesn’t convert to allow your kiddo to sit at the dining table with the family, you might need a new option. Many allow the tray to be removed so that the chair can be pulled up to the table, and others allow the seat to be strapped right onto one of your regular dining chairs.

Amazon | Keekaroo
Convertible High Chair
Shop now
Amazon | Lalo
3-in-1 High Chair
Shop now
Amazon | Ingenuity
Toddler Booster Seat
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Little Utensils

To create even more independence during mealtimes, introduce utensils if you haven’t already. Child-sized utensils can help your little one gain important fine motor practice while still being comfortable and age-appropriate.

Amazon | Vitever
Toddler Utensils

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Amazon | Glossyend
Stainless Steel Kids Cutlery

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Umbrella Stroller or Carrier

Now that your kiddo wants to walk (or run or jump or climb) rather than ride, you might decide on a lighter stroller for daily outings. Since they’re probably napping on a schedule at this point, falling asleep in the stroller isn’t as much of a concern, and a lighter umbrella stroller can (literally) take a load off of your back.

If you’re more of a baby-wearing family, make sure your carrier is suitable for your growing child’s weight to, again, save your back.

Amazon | Summer Infant
Convenience Stroller
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Amazon | UPPAbaby
Vista V2 Stroller
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toddler carrier
Amazon | Lilliebaby
Toddler Carrier
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Potty Chair or Seat

Yes, you’re dreading it, but it’s inevitable. Once your baby hits toddlerhood, potty training is right around the corner. Get yourself prepared, and you’ll thank me later.

Amazon | Babybjon
Potty Chair
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Amazon | Pahtto
Potty Training Seat
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Bath Spout Cover

Now that your baby is out of the little tub and in the big one, a bath spout cover is essential to keep head bumps at bay. One with a thermometer makes life a little easier, so you know just how hot that water is before letting your kid splash around.

bath spout cover
Amazon | Puj
Soft Spout Cover
Shop now

Furniture Anchors

This one is boring but so important. Toddlers are notorious for climbing and pulling and scheming. It’s only a matter of time before they get into something they shouldn’t, and you want to prevent every potentially dangerous situation as best as you can. Furniture anchors might not be the cutest, but they work. That’s worth everything.

Amazon | 4ourkiddies
Furniture Anchors

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This post was in partnership with Cerebelly but all of the opinions within are those of The Everymom editorial board. We only recommend products we genuinely love.