Tami Secrest

Staff Accountant
tami secrest
Tami is an accountant and a mom who was born and raised in North Texas. She currently handles all of the company's accounting and payroll needs.
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Tami has always loved numbers and math, so it was only natural that she chose Accounting as her college major. She loves working with numbers and is one of those people who doesn’t mind staring at spreadsheets for hours.


Tami holds an Accounting degree from The University of North Texas and has worked in accounting for almost 20 years. Throughout her career, she has worked with a wide variety of companies and is thrilled to have made her way to The Everygirl.

Fun Stuff

Tami loves music, audiobooks, puzzles, documentaries, true crime podcasts, and most of all, hanging out with her teenage daughter.

About The Everymom

She’s the seasoned mom, the new mom, the expecting mom. She’s trying to become a mom. Fierce, smart, always multi-tasking.

She is passionate about life, her family, and her own self-care. She wants to learn new things and seeks advice on everything from vacation planning to sleep training to prioritizing time for herself. She’s the working mom, the stay-at-home mom.

She needs a bit of guidance, she wants to be inspired.

She is The Everymom. This is for her.

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