This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Little Spoon, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everymom editorial board.
As we’ve entered 2025 and look to the year ahead, it’s easy to get wrapped up in thinking about what we want to do more of to level up—working out more, drinking more water, spending more time with our friends and families, reading more… the list goes on. While I totally get it (and also definitely find myself obsessing over what I’m not “doing enough of”), it’s important to take the time to reflect on all of the habits and practices we might want to let go of, too. Being able to recognize things that add unnecessary stress to our lives, pressure us into being “perfect,” and keep us from being the best version of ourselves is just as important when it comes to setting ourselves up for a year of growth and learning. At the end of the day, we’re moms—not invincible superheroes who can do it all. And that’s OK!
In the spirit of quieting the loud “do more” mindset, we’ve compiled a list of 10 things to let go of in 2025, from over-cramming our calendars to comparing ourselves to others. If you feel like you may need to take your foot off the gas a bit rather than going full steam ahead into this new year, you’re not alone. Here’s what our team is letting go of this year:
Cooking out of guilt
I was a figure-it-out-as-you-go kind of mom for the first six months of my baby’s life, and honestly, that worked great for me! Especially when it came to feeding, nothing was overly complicated—if he had milk, we were in good shape. Initially, I was excited about introducing solids (because how cute is a baby with sweet potato mush all over their face?!), but once we entered that stage, I had no clue where to start. Cut to me deep-diving into a research rabbit hole, getting confused on how to introduce solids, and trying to wrap my brain around when I was going to have time to prepare high-quality, safe, and yummy meals for him.
I realized then that I could no longer fly by the seat of my pants—I had to either meal prep for a baby when I hardly could find the time to do it for myself or invest in a subscription that would take the time and stress out of it. I chose the latter as soon as I came across Little Spoon. Their certified organic, non-GMO, rigorously-tested Babyblends are tested for 500+ toxins and contaminants including heavy metals, pesticides and plasticizers, have completely taken the guesswork out of introducing new foods to my little one because Little Spoon is a brand I know I can trust. Plus, they come straight to my door, so it’s one less thing I have to add to my grocery list. One thing I’ve learned as a mom is that I can do anything, but I can’t do everything. To ensure my baby is fed, happy, and healthy, I count on Little Spoon to help me on our journey.
Little Spoon is the first and only baby + toddler food brand in the U.S. to set strict limits for 500+ toxins and contaminants. Lighten the mental load this year and get meals delivered for every stage of your child’s growth from baby to big kid. Use code EVERYMOM25 for 25% off your first purchase!
Pressures of Pinterest parenting
Our Editor-in-Chief Robi said she’s letting go of Pinterest parenting in 2025. Whether it’s the pressure to make perfectly-curated gift baskets for every special event or packing our kid’s lunch boxes to the nines, we can agree that it can all be a bit much. Even though it can be fun to get inspiration and make things beautiful, it’s OK to not put in maximum effort all of the time. More times than not, trying to make so many aspects of our lives aesthetically pleasing and overly special just tires and stresses us out, even though it’s supposed to be enjoyable. Know what you can handle, what is worth your extra time and energy, and that you’re not a “boring” parent if your home decor or meals don’t look straight out of a vision board every day.
Holding onto heirloom items
Our HR Director Mairim is preaching to the choir with her take on decluttering: “I’m getting rid of ‘stuff.’ Why wait until I pass to give my kids/grandkids the items I want to pass down? For example, my husband gave me a jewelry set when each child was born, and I gave my youngest son the earrings, necklace, and bracelet so he can use the stones to design his wedding bands.” Holding onto items for years and years on end can make us feel more overwhelmed than you might think. Learning to pass them on sooner rather than later will not only clear up some of your physical space but also the mental space of worrying about when a “good time” to pass something on might be.

Neglecting myself
It’s no secret that it’s easy to put our own wants and needs on the back burner as busy moms. But it’s important that we’re able to recognize times when we’re really not doing enough for ourselves and our own well-being. Yes, even in the midst of taking care of kids, working, cleaning, and everything else that fills up our daily agendas, there is still time for some “me time”—you just have to take a second to find it. Accepting the fact that there aren’t enough hours in the day to check in with and take care of ourselves is out in 2025. Remember: In order to show up for others in the way that they deserve, we need to take moments to show up for ourselves, too.
Saying “yes” to everything
Being agreeable is nice in theory, but saying yes to every single thing that we’re asked to do is simply not a sustainable way of living. We’ve all been guilty of doing it, but it always ends up backfiring in the end. If, deep down, you know that committing to another obligation is going to stress you out or overload your already hefty to-do list, respectfully decline it. Let this be your reminder that flexing your right to say “no” does not mean you are selfish or not trying hard enough. If anything, it means that you are setting healthy boundaries and knowing your limits, which is something we should all learn to prioritize a little more in our lives. Whether it’s another responsibility at work or volunteering for extra school events, we are going to do our best to stop immediately saying yes.
Sit-down family dinners
Having a formal, sit-down family dinner has been a long-time marker of whether or not you’re dedicating an adequate amount of time to family bonding. However, you can still find the time to hear about everyone’s day and do a daily check-in without stressing about when you can find that sliver of time that everyone is available. “There are too many activities, and forcing everyone to sit down for family dinner every night adds another level of stress. Instead, we’re introducing family breakfast or family happy hour (feeding the kids an easy breakfast or snack while we talk with them and worry about our dinner later) or a different form of family connection,” says our Editor, Kathy. Whatever time you can find, roll with it!
Doing anything “for the ‘gram”
Kathy also mentioned that she’s done doing anything for the ‘gram, which falls into the same category as Pinterest parenting. Not every activity or moment spent with your family and loved ones needs to be picture-perfect (or even documented). While there’s obviously no harm in wanting to capture those memories, worrying about setting up a scene to get all of the perfect angles can take away from really experiencing a joyful moment to the fullest. Be as present as possible and immerse yourself in both the big moments and small ones, snap a picture here and there, and don’t worry about it looking as glamorous as everyone else on your feed—you’re probably having more fun anyway.

Playing the comparison game
It’s nearly impossible not to compare ourselves to others in this day and age. With endless access to other people’s highlight reels, we oftentimes convince ourselves that others have it far better than we do. But in reality, comparison will always be the thief of joy. This year, we’re reminding ourselves that everyone’s lives are so different from our own, and that’s an amazing thing! Of course, it’s normal to seek out inspiration or advice when you need some guidance, but let’s remember that our self-worth and happiness should not be based on anyone else’s.
Trying to control everything
In a perfect world, we would be able to control every little thing in our lives. It’s totally normal to want to do so, especially when it comes to wanting the best outcome for your kids and loved ones. But just like many of the other habits we’ve already mentioned, it actually just drains us of our energy and takes our attention away from the things we can control. Branded Content Editor Steph says she’s done living life as a self-described control freak: “Now that I have kids, I truly understand how important it is to just let go and let be. It’s far more draining to nitpick over every little thing than to go with the flow. Everyone in my house is much happier when I adopt a more relaxed mindset, so more of that in 2025.”
The idea of “doing it all”
We’ve all become very comfortable with the narrative that moms can do it all. While it is true that there really is no job in the world quite like it, and we can definitely balance a lot at once, being able to “do it all” can end up doing us a lot more harm than good. We’re only human, you know? It is not a sign of weakness or bad time management to recognize that there are some things we simply don’t have time for. In 2025, let’s be proud of ourselves for all of the things that we already do for ourselves and everyone around us, and let go of that gnawing feeling that there’s always more to be done. Know your priorities and be where your feet are—the rest can wait for now.

Hailey Bouche, Associate Editor
As an Associate Editor for The Everygirl, Hailey Bouche oversees, writes, and edits content across various categories on the site. From the pitching stage through publishing, she works alongside the team to ensure that the content that our readers see every day is inspiring, relatable, and timely.

Steph Alleva Cornell, Branded Content Editor
Since becoming a young mama in 2020, Steph has found joy in creating beautiful yet relatable content surrounding the raw realities of motherhood. She believes showcasing both the wonders and struggles of being a parent helps other mothers understand that they are not alone in their journey.

This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Little Spoon, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everymom editorial board. We only recommend products we truly love.