This post was in partnership with Miku but all of the opinions within are those of The Everymom editorial board. We only recommend products we genuinely love.
I’ve never absolutely loved a baby monitor until now. Now that I’m four years, four monitors, and three kids into the parenting game, I’ve found the one, and I want to shout it from the rooftops. I only wish I’d met it sooner.
Its name is the Miku Pro Smart Baby Monitor, and just when I’d started to resign myself to the idea that all baby monitors overpromised and underdelivered, this one exceeded my cautiously optimistic expectations. Here’s why I love it—and why I’m recommending it to all my friends and family expecting a baby.
Clear Video Quality
My first baby monitor promised great video quality, but it was grainy at best, and as a first-time mom, I wanted to see my baby’s breathing chest moving up and down.
…as a first-time mom, I wanted to see my baby’s breathing chest moving up and down.
Not only does the Miku Pro’s HD video camera provide a very clear picture, but I also don’t even need to use it to see my baby’s chest moving up and down because the Miku Pro is a smart monitor that actually tracks respiratory and sleep patterns, too.

Source: Amanda Shapin Michelson
No Need for Wearable Devices
While other monitors that track breathing and sleep patterns require wearable devices—which then means needing to wash and charge yet another item—the Miku Pro doesn’t. Instead, it uses a patented SensorFusion technology that allows baby to sleep without wearables and provides real-time alerts to let me know of any changes.
I love the peace of mind this gives me, especially as baby starts sleeping longer stretches at a time. Gone are the days of waking up to check in on baby when I could be sleeping longer myself. Here are the days of sleeping with the reassurance that I’ll be alerted to any changes in his patterns.

Source: Amanda Shapin Michelson
Security and Reliability
The monitor unit on my second baby monitor stopped working after about a year and a half. It just died one day and never turned back on, despite troubleshooting help from customer service. The best they could do was offer me a slight discount to buy a new one. Why would I want to buy a new monitor that barely lasted into the toddler phase?
I no longer have to worry about a monitor base unit going kaput because the Miku Pro connects to my smartphone through Wi-Fi. I’ll be the first to admit that I was hesitant about ditching the basic baby monitor for a Wi-Fi enabled one.
One of my favorite things about the Miku Pro is that since it transmits to my phone, I can check in on my baby from anywhere with Wi-Fi.
I didn’t like the idea of being dependent on Wi-Fi for the monitor to work, and I’d read some of those scary stories of baby monitors getting hacked. Since the Miku Pro includes an embedded tamper-resistant Crypto Chip to keep data secure, that’s one less thing for me to worry about.
My third baby monitor promised great range but would lose its signal in my own home, sometimes in the middle of the night when I needed it most. One of my favorite things about the Miku Pro is that since it transmits to my phone, I can check in on my baby from anywhere with Wi-Fi, whether I’m squeezing in a workout in my basement or out on a date night.
I initially worried that having access to watch my baby from anywhere would turn me into a parent who constantly checks her phone while out with friends, but I can happily say that that has not happened. Instead, it’s been a great way to confirm that the baby is, indeed, asleep before we come home.

Source: Amanda Shapin Michelson
The “Extras” are Actually Helpful
Finally, I have a baby monitor that checks all the boxes I had hoped—and then some. It can even take the place of a white noise machine, as it can play original sleep sounds and lullabies.
Finally, I have a baby monitor that checks all the boxes I had hoped—and then some.
Looking back at all the monitors I’ve been through, one thing I can say for sure is that I wish we’d invested in this one from the start with our firstborn. At the time, I was hesitant to spend a little bit more on a monitor with all the “extras,” but in the end, we wound up paying more by replacing monitors that broke or didn’t work as promised, even ones from reputable brands with great reviews.
I’m still a believer in saving where it makes sense and splurging only on the items that really matter—and in this case, a baby monitor falls firmly into the worth-the-splurge category. It might even save some headaches and dollars in the long run.
This post was in partnership with Miku but all of the opinions within are those of The Everymom editorial board. We only recommend products we genuinely love.