Picture this: It’s 75 degrees outside, you’re hosting friends and family, and your backyard is looking nearly Pinterest-perfect. This is arguably every hostess’ dream when this time of the year rolls around. There’s nothing better than getting great use out of your outdoor gear. However, everyone knows the perfect outdoor setup doesn’t just happen on its own. There’s no need to worry, as the solution can be found at our favorite place to shop: Target. Consider this your sign to browse the best Target outdoor furniture that you can get your hands on now.
This might be controversial, but I personally think some of the more expensive home and living retailers are highly overrated. Why break the bank over some melamine plates or an outdoor rug when you could grab a budget-friendly option at Target instead? Target’s selection of products is known for being easy on the wallet and aesthetically pleasing. Plus, you never have to worry about sacrificing the quality for the price. This is why Target is the ultimate place to shop for all your outdoor needs.
So, if you’re looking to upgrade your outdoor furniture, decor, and entertainment collection, we’ve got you covered. Now’s the time to revamp your home with Target’s outdoor furniture and decor. From seating areas to outdoor lights to fun lawn games, there are plenty of options below that will never make you want to leave your outdoor space.
Outdoor Furniture
Truly elevate your outdoor space with a sleek dining set, rattan accent chair, or even a patterned ottoman. Trust us: If there’s one thing to splurge on for your outdoor space, it’s furniture. Made to withstand weather conditions, these outdoor furniture picks will be a hit this summer.
Outdoor Decor
Sometimes, it’s the little things that can really bring your vision to life. Simply swapping out your usual terracotta planters with a fun patterned option is just one of the many things that could make a huge difference. Any of our outdoor decor picks below will help transform your patio and backyard into the outdoor space of your dreams.

Outdoor Gear
There’s no better way to encourage spending time outdoors than by investing in some gear that could help make your experience more enjoyable. Whether it’s gardening with your little one or making s’mores by the fire, these are what we’d consider outdoor essentials that everyone needs in their home.
Outdoor Dining Accessories
This Target roundup wouldn’t be complete without some outdoor dining options. There’s no such thing as having too many outdoor dining accessories, especially for the moms who love to host. Now, you’ll never have to worry about ruining your fancy dinnerware when you can use these outdoor-friendly picks instead.
Lawn Games
Make moments outside even more special with a couple of lawn games that will have everyone on their feet and participating in the fun. From the classic bean bag toss to lawn bowling, these games provide endless hours of entertainment. And why limit yourself to one game when you can have a collection of unique games that are perfect for any occasion?