There’s no one quite like a dad. From silly and tender to gentle and strong, the fathers in our lives enrich our little ones’ days beyond measure. So, this June, we’re highlighting 14 guys in a Father’s Day tribute to incredible dads and partners who do it all—the ones that can light up a child’s smile, fill their hearts with love, and create adventures to remember.
we put it to the test, and it really does live up to the hype 👀
To celebrate the extraordinary men we call “Dad,” 14 partners shared sweet, loving, and altogether joyful moments they’ve caught on camera, telling us what makes their partners worthy of honoring this Father’s Day—and every day throughout the year. If you similarly know a guy who has effortlessly transitioned into fatherhood (or is hoping to in the future!), check out our new offering, The Everydad, a community for dads doing it differently—click to explore!
Bryan: Baby’s best dance partner

“My husband is funny, smart, God-fearing, caring, and the world’s best dad to our son. Before our son was born, Bryan eagerly jumped into all-things fatherhood through researching, attending appointments and classes, and anticipating his new life as a dad.
Our son absolutely adores him and rightfully so. He has the heart to serve and does so with our family on a daily basis. No task is too small or beneath him to ensure we have what we need. He’s my son’s kiddie basketball coach, dance party partner, and the best at getting him down to sleep. He prays and sings worship songs for our son, loves to wrestle with him, and makes him light up with giggles and smiles from ear-to-ear. We are both incredibly thankful for him!” —Joy Monet
Wingo: ‘Happy just to have them in his arms’

“Part of Wingo’s personality is being very logical and analytical. He’s not really a ‘wears his emotions on his sleeve’ kind of person. When we had children, that changed. You can see the deep love he has for our children every day, without question. This was one of the hardest times in our lives, but he was still happy to just have them in his arms.” —Katie
Andre: Dad to his #1 fan

“The life of a Texas high school football head coach is busy. Yet, Andre always finds time to wind down with his #1 fan. They both share a love of reading, and as president and vice president of our family drama team, they often reenact the books for baby sister and me. During the pandemic, he managed to keep up with his team, preparing for the upcoming season, all while managing daddy daycare with two toddlers. He loves being a father, and it is evident in the way he loves and cares for our children.” —Adrian
Benson: Gentle, present, and full of silliness

“When it came to becoming a father, Benson didn’t skip a beat. Immediately, he demonstrated the support, love, care, and enthusiasm we hope all fathers will provide. He is gentle, present, and navigates fatherhood consciously and with intention, as well as having the silliness and playfulness that is so beneficial to have with your children. Seeing the way Arlo wholeheartedly loves and trusts him is absolutely beautiful.” —Blaise
Keith: Finding joy in the ordinary with his baby girl

“Let’s be honest. Having a newborn is hard work. Add a global pandemic to the mix, and some days we were all just barely hanging on by a thread. But the joy that my husband gets out of doing the everyday, monotonous tasks that come with taking care of our daughter is contagious.
On the days that I am completely beat, he is that partner you want on your team that is right there to say, ‘I got you!’ On the days of back-to-back doctors appointments, he is that partner on your team that is right there to say, ‘She’s gonna be fine, babe.’ On the days that go by so fast, we have barely said hello to each other, he is that partner on your team that is right there to say, ‘Let’s pour a glass of wine and watch TV tonight.’
And on the days that I couldn’t think I could love him more, he proves me wrong. Every single time. Happy First Father’s Day, my love!” —Katrice
Roel and Jorge: ‘Fatherhood made us better people’

“We believe fatherhood has made us better people in every single way. No one is truly ready to become a Dad. It’s kind of an instinctive thing, and your children will teach you more about yourself than you know.” —Roel and Jorge
Cody: ‘His joy illuminates our entire family’

“Our kids cheer when Cody comes home and cry when he leaves. They love his signature pancakes and bedtime stories. He makes them giggle and they make him beam. To be their father brings him joy, and that joy illuminates our entire family.” —Rachael
Teudy: ‘The world’s greatest dad in our eyes’

“I’m so honored and proud to call Teudy my husband. I knew from the very beginning that he would be an incredible dad and role model for our children. What I didn’t know was that his life would completely change only four years after becoming a father for the first time.
In July 2016, Teudy suffered a spinal cord injury from a freak accident at the beach which left him a quadriplegic and paralyzed from his chest down. Only three weeks later, our youngest son, Charlie, was born. Life has been challenging for Teudy—to say the least. But I am so incredibly proud of the father he is today. He does not let his challenges hold him back from being the best Dada in the world to our two boys. From gardening to trips to the playground and trails to fishing to sports, Teudy is the world’s greatest dad in our eyes.
He teaches our boys honor, faith, and integrity just by living his life—and I am so thankful to have such a great guy by my side. Happy Father’s Day, Teudy, we love and appreciate all that you do and all that you are!” —Halley
Rowan: Loving, caring, and protective

“My partner didn’t have the best start in life, so it makes my heart swell to watch the love, care, and protection he shows his girls. Making absolutely sure that they never have to witness or experience the childhood he did. He’s a pretty special daddy.” —Jenna
Brandon: An always-present girl dad

“Brandon is a Master Sergeant in the Air Force working to get his Master’s in Information Technology, all while being a loving, protective, supportive, and always-present girl dad. He’s the most patient man ever.” —Claudia
Jay: ‘His love shows through’

“One day is not enough to honor how special of a father Jay truly is. His love as a father shows through in every interaction with our daughter. The Daddy-Daughter bond that they have is what I love the most. I know that Kinsley will always look up to him and admire him. It makes my heart full to just sit and watch him put a smile on her face. It’s the cutest thing when she copies every little thing that he does. We love and appreciate everything Jay does!” —Iterica
Brian: ‘I don’t know how I’d do this without him’

“My husband was so nervous before we had our first child. But he’s turned out to be the best dad our kids could ask for. He’s someone they can confide in when they have a problem at school (and he handles it with a much more level head than I do). He never tires of playing with them. And he plans the best parties for game night. When I feel like I’m completely losing my marbles, he’s quick to come in, take the reins, and rescue me with some time off. I don’t know how I’d do this parenting thing without him.” —Jennifer
David: ‘He models how to be a good person’

“David is an incredible dad to our kids, Jonah and Margot. He shows up every day with patience and joy; he models how to be a good human in this world. My favorite moment of watching him parent our kids was watching him teach them how to swim at the lake. They feel so safe in his arms, and he sweetly encourages them to be just a little braver each time.” —Stacy