Everything is temporary.
I—along with many other moms I know—have survived the most difficult of phases with this mantra. The sleepless newborn nights? Temporary. The terrible twos? Temporary. The threenager tantrums? Temporary.
And while it’s hard to believe it in regards to our current circumstances, this too is temporary. I hold tight to this mantra on the days when it feels like there’s no end in sight. The fact is, one day–maybe not as soon as we’d like–but one day, we’ll be looking back on this moment in time wondering how we did it all.
Some of our kids will be old enough to remember these days, and some of our kids won’t. As time passes, the memories will fade, but hopefully, we will hold on to the better ones.
At this point, many of us are running out of new ideas to keep the kids entertained and ourselves sane, so we’re here to help you and your littles remember the good times with these free, printable pages for your family to create a time capsule.
Here’s what’s included:
- Printables for kids to complete with questions like their age, favorite indoor activity, favorite outdoor activity, what they’re grateful for, their favorite show, favorite food, how they feel, and more.
- A kids printable page to draw a picture to include in the time capsule.
- Printables for moms (and dads!) with questions like your age, something you learned, who you’re isolating with, what you’re grateful for, favorite show, the best/worst parts about the experience, what you’re looking forward to doing, and more.
- Suggestions for other items to include in your time capsule, like a family selfie, an empty toilet paper roll, a balloon from a drive-by party, an invitation for a canceled event, a bread recipe, a child’s drawing, and more.
It’s super simple and fun to do as a family! Print these pages below, fill them out, add a few items from around the house, and put it all in a box in the closet or somewhere else where you can revisit it with the family someday.
Get the printables below!

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