Admit it. At one time or another, you’ve found yourself mindlessly scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, laughing, sobbing, or feeling like you can relate to a clip. When different states began to implement lockdown policies back in 2020, TikTok grew from an app used mostly by teenagers to a popular entertainment platform. In fact, in 2021 TikTok got more traffic than Google.
"I genuinely appreciate a product that almost makes you forget what the issue was in the first place."
I didn’t know there were different “sides” of TikTok—from organization hacks to sex tips—until I found myself scrolling throughout the week in search of new content. Personally, I’m a fan of the borderline ridiculous content I’ve come across on the parenting side of TikTok. In my opinion, parenting TikTok is hilarious. Sure, there are informative videos, but the ones that capture the reality of parenting? Count me in. From relatable skits to hilarious pranks, parenting TikTok is where I’ve been spending a lot (maybe too much?) of my scroll time.
As a mom who found herself pregnant at the onset of the pandemic, parenting has been a lot to unpack. As cliché as this is, sometimes you truly don’t know the ins and outs of something until you’re going through it. TikTok has helped me find the humor in parenthood. Now, the hard moments don’t feel permanent.
Parenting TikTok Helped Me Find the Humor in it All
Some of my favorite clips have involved the reality of having a newborn or young infant. It makes me realize that, yes, our children are here to troll us sometimes. I like to think it reminds us not to take ourselves or life so seriously. How else can you explain the mind boggling things they seem to get into? It’s even more puzzling when they become mobile.
One of my favorite clips involves a father attempting to change his infant daughter’s diaper. Her refusal to be still reminds me of the stage my 9-month-old little boy is in. For reasons unknown, my son thinks its absolutely hilarious to wiggle and do something similar to a somersault while I try to change him. He does it even more when he has an especially dirty diaper. At this point, I put down a towel and wear something I don’t care about when changing him.As frustrating as it can be, I can’t help but start laughing when I hear his little baby giggles as he laughs at himself.
@ellarose_yuyunI had to call for backup♬ Happy Laughing – Sound Effect
Speaking of baby giggles, another clip I love features small children and a mom pranking the dad. While the prank is simple in nature, the minion-like giggles of the children make it even more funny.
@mrsbmangMy kids pranked daddy and their laughs are funnier than the prank 😂😂 #partyof6 #kidtok #dadprank #AEJeansHaveFun #KeepItRealMeals♬ My kids uncontrollably laughing – Brittany Mangum
That particular clip reminds me of the hilarity that ensues in my sister and her husband’s household. They have three small children at home, ages 5, 4, and 2. At any given time, one of them will say or do something and it sets off a boomerang effect in the other two. I remember a time when my 5-year-old nephew decided to start telling everyone they have a body in a deep voice. He took these dramatic steps each time he said “you have a body,” while my 4-year-old niece chimed in with, “body, body” in the background. I’m not sure what baby and kid giggles are made of, but they sure are captivating.
It Also Helped Me Feel Connected During the Isolation of the Pandemic
When I see clips on TikTok that feature small children and infants, I remind myself that I am in fact not alone on this parenting journey. That at any given time, children are capable of catching us off guard by something they say or do. I feel like I can take parenting in stride because you truly never know what you’re going to get from day to day. It’s truly a gamble being a parent. A puzzling, sleep-deprived, beautiful, hilarious gamble (I’m sure I’m missing some adjectives here).
Hopefully I don’t keep my neighbors up at night while I snort and chortle while watching parenting videos on TikTok. I know TikTok has its downside, but I’m grateful for those parents who continue share the lighter moments of parenting. We could all stand to feel more seen and laugh along the way.