Toys & Books

5 Sensory Toys to Keep Kids Entertained

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Sensory toys are some of the best tools in my arsenal as a toddler mama of two strong-willed boys. Not only because they are great for helping my child with autism, but also because they entertain both of my children for longer periods of time.

Toys aimed at sensory engagement can help children develop fine motor skills, address sensory issues with certain textures (like stickiness), and calm an overwhelmed child who prefers deep pressure. During my search for the perfect fidgets for my son with autism, I found that my neurotypical child also benefited from the use of these sensory toys.

Your child does not have to have sensory sensitivities or special needs to benefit from sensory toys. Having them on hand can even benefit parents with anxiety or a tendency to fidget as well. They help me focus during long sessions on Zoom and provide a great way to redirect certain behaviors in my child with autism (head-banging, for example). Each of the sensory toys provides different textures, sensations, and mediums that are each uniquely satisfying and useful.

Here are five of my favorites sensory toys:

1. Sensory Swing

Honestly, my kids have so much fun in this that I am about to get one for adults. It’s great for inside swing sessions if you have the room, but also works as a cozy spot to calm down and read a book.

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2. Sensory Bin Tool Kit

The relaxing noise of your child sorting these beads will be ASMR for your entire family.

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3. Harkla Hug

This is part-pirate ship, part-deep pressure stimulation to help center your child. This sensory toy offers versatile fun for any home.

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The Black Toy Store
4. DIY Slime Kit

If your child loves engaging in tactile play, this slime kit will be hours of entertainment.

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5. Fidget Toy Pack

Keep a few of these in your purse for on-hand kid entertainment—or by your computer to help you concentrate during long work calls. With 24 toys included, you can swap them out often.

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