News & Current Events

What You Can Do To Help the Victims of the Uvalde and Buffalo Shootings

We are moms. We are outraged. We are sad. We are tired. 
uvalde and buffalo shootings"
uvalde and buffalo shootings
Graphics by: Kirra Wallace
Graphics by: Kirra Wallace

The Everygirl Media Group stands behind policy change and gun reform. We are committed to taking action, and we hope you will join us. By taking a few minutes today, you can be a part of the much-needed change in this country.


1. Donate to gun reform organizations

*Donations made before Tuesday, May 31st at 11:59pm ET will be matched by Mike Bloomberg.


2. Demand your senators pass gun safety legislation now

We urge you to hold your senators accountable and insist that they take action. You can do this now by visiting the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund’s website and filling out a quick form that will send a message directly to elected officials.

Additionally, call the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask your representative to support HR8 (to expand background checks) and HR1446 (to increase the background check waiting period).

If you are not sure what to say, you can use this script:

Hello, my name is [NAME], and I am from [TOWN].

I am calling today as a constituent to speak about gun violence in our country.

I want to urge [SENATOR/ REPRESENTATIVE] to protect Americans, and be a leader in preventing gun violence by advocating for the Background Check Expansion Act.

This is important to me, because [WHY].

Thank you for your time.


3. Sign petitions on gun reform

Visit The Sandy Hook Promise Foundation’s website to sign petitions for the following: Background Checks on Gun SalesStop Assault Weapons SalesProtect Kids from Ghost Guns, and more to create change on crucial issues.


4. Donate to the victims and families

While no amount of donations will ever be able to make up for the pain that victims and families are experiencing, we can offer our help in a few different ways:


5. Donate to underrepresented communities

With your support through donations, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is able to continue to dismantle racism, fight for issues that affect the Black community, and ensure that Black lives are a priority in all spaces. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the NAACP‘s mission and donate to help push that mission forward.

Additionally, donating to the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) will help advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health, and civil rights of Hispanic Americans. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the LULAC‘s mission and donate to help push that mission forward.


6. Email your local school district and administrators

It is important that you are informed (especially as a parent) about your local school district’s safety measures. We urge you to reach out to administrators via phone or email to receive information on the following: school safety measures, preventative and aftercare emergency measures, and safety training for school officers and staff. Additionally, inquire about how emergencies are communicated to parents and how access points and recreational areas are being secured.


7. Share on social media

Together, we must take action in order to create change in this country. We encourage you to speak to your friends and family about what you are doing to get involved and how they are doing their part as well. Furthermore, it is important that we share resources and encourage others to get involved on social media. As a company, The Everygirl Media Group will continue to make calls to action urging donations in the aid of the victims’ families and toward NPOs taking action for reform as well as urging followers to speak up and contact their representatives. We ask all of you to join in this effort as much as you can on your own platforms.