When I was younger, I wasn’t exposed to affirmations or the many creative ways they can be presented—like affirmation cards. I don’t imagine that was intentional; either it wasn’t something the adults in my life were exposed to either, or perhaps today’s pop culture of affirmations just didn’t quite have the same ubiquity then. Nevertheless, once they did finally come dancing across my radar, they were like my body’s daily vitamin equivalent for my emotional well-being. They can also have amazing benefits for kids.
Because your registry isn’t just a checklist, we’re here to help you choose what’s best for you. From moms and experts who have been through it all, these are our winners for The Everymom’s 2025 Baby Registry Awards.
Since affirmations get thrown around in a lot of different contexts, let’s clarify their true intention. When used mindfully, they are concise and encouraging statements that we repeat to ourselves to generate optimistic beliefs about our ambitions, abilities, self-worth, or the like.
Benefits of Affirmation Cards for Kids
Affirmations are especially great for kids because they help them internalize concrete, positive thoughts about themselves and what they put their hearts into. And affirmation cards give them the added benefit of making those words tangible.
Research has shown that incorporating affirmations into our awareness on a regular basis can have a significantly positive impact on our brain’s processing, helping us see ourselves in a better light as well as our behaviors. Read on for our favorite affirmation cards for kids—from creating your own with 100 affirmation ideas to printable options to sets you can purchase.
How to Make DIY Affirmation Cards
While there are so many lovely affirmation cards for kids you can buy, why not try creating personalized ones with your kids instead? Not only can the deck’s cards be catered to any age and stage starting with toddlerhood, but you can choose to focus on one or many of the ten themes we’ve included to spark ideas for what to write on each card.
Putting together an affirmation deck is super easy, and full of creative possibilities. And don’t worry if you’re having a hard time envisioning how you’ll find time to squeeze another project in! We’ve also included alternatives like printable coloring sheets or purchasable decks in case you want to spread affirmation card cheer without the DIY time investment.
1. Create the cards
It’s best to use a heavier cardstock so that when you decorate them, they stay unwrinkled and any paint/markers/glue/etc. won’t bleed through to the other side. You can try white unlined index cards, watercolor sheets, a small pad of craft paper, or using a paper cutter to size regular cardstock paper to your liking.
2. Gather supplies to decorate one side of your cards
You can choose to make a deck that focuses entirely on one theme–like nature, school, relationships, confidence, etc. (see below!)–or you can design the cards to accommodate as many themes as your child wants. Take their freedom of expression and run with it!
Decorate one side of each card using paints, markers, stickers, glue-on gems, patterned paper cutouts, etc. These decorations may match the theme or simply be an assortment of colorful creations, and your kids might want to make the cards look uniform in appearance like a traditional card deck or not.
The only recommendation is to save anything that will be glued on after Step 3, so that these pieces won’t break off or interfere with any handwriting when you create the affirmation side of the cards.
3. Create and write affirmations on the other side of your cards
Now you’re ready to fill the other side of each card with an affirmation that resonates with whomever the deck is for. See below for a collection of affirmations to get you started. You can use them word-for-word, adapt them to be more tailored for certain ages or sentiments, or of course, come up with brand new ones!
If you’ve loved the decoration process, you can fill in space on this side with your decorating supplies, too. If you planned to glue anything on either side, now is the time to do so!
4. Use the deck and enjoy witnessing the magic that unfolds!
Now your kids have their very own affirmation decks handy to open them up to new ways of thinking about how special (we already know) they are. Maybe reading them with your child will be something you can appreciate together. Overall, hopefully these cards become one of the magical ways they can learn how to have an instinct of compassion for themselves, so that they maintain a shining heart and mind no matter what comes their way.
100 Affirmation Ideas for Kids
Confidence Affirmations
Seeing kids shine in uninterrupted confidence is beautiful to behold. These confidence affirmations are a nice way to present quick and easy self-esteem lifts for getting them back on track whenever they could use the boost.
- Confidence is always flowing through me, whether I feel it or not
- I have the power to change the world
- I believe in myself and what I’m capable of
- All I need to succeed is inside of me
- I’m a magnet for great things
- I trust myself to lead the way
- I love myself exactly the way I am
- I deserve to feel good about myself
- I am a unique gift to the planet
- I am worthy of the best
Relationship Affirmations
Kids are learning to be great friends and family members from so many angles—from firsthand experience to seeing what’s modeled for them to observing what’s in the media, they have lots to consider. It can be nice to supplement this learning curve with personal statements that declare who they aspire to be with their loved ones.
- My love for my family keeps growing every day
- I am a thoughtful friend
- I am dedicated to being there for my family and friends
- I can be trusted
- I care about treating others the way I want to be treated
- I love my family and friends for who they are
- I don’t have to hide who I am to be cared about
- I try to put myself in other people’s shoes to understand them better
- I share, even when there are times I wish I could keep things all for myself
- I always try to find the good in others first
School Affirmations
Kids spend so much of their time in school, so it’s essential that they feel empowered in that environment. Try these school affirmations to encourage a healthy outlook on their schoolwork and presence in the classroom.
- I am always ready to learn
- I have bright ideas to share
- Asking for help is a strength
- There’s no such thing as ‘too hard’ because I’m in charge of my effort
- What matters is my progress, not perfection
- I always have the choice to do my best
- My future shines ahead of me
- I am thankful to have a school that welcomes me
- My brain’s power is unlimited
- I matter in my classroom(s)
Nature Affirmations
No matter if your child spends lots of time in nature or not, giving them a chance to learn affirmations about nature can both spark and deepen their connection to it. Nature is a powerful channel to get them thinking about their connection to something much bigger than themselves.
- I feel at peace surrounded by nature
- I appreciate the gifts nature shares with me
- Thanks to nature, I have food to eat
- Nature has so many things to make my five senses come alive
- I am connected to the natural world
- Nature is special and deserves my respect
- I take time to show my care for nature
- Nature is a beautiful playground to explore
- I love discovering nature’s many magical ways
- I can learn something new from nature’s ways every day
Inner Over Outer Worth Affirmations
With so much superficiality in the air, it’s vital that we get kids thinking about a life beyond appearances the soonest we can! These affirmations can point them in the direction of remembering to choose valuing their inner essence more than the way they look.
- Being beautiful is a feeling, not an appearance
- No matter how I look, it’s what’s on the inside that counts
- I have a kind heart and a creative mind
- What I do matters more than how I look
- It’s not about looking good a certain way, but feeling good a certain way
- Others love me for who I am, not how I look
- I am enough exactly the way I am
- I don’t judge myself or others based on their appearance
- I look for joy, not what’s wrong with how I look
- I lead with my heart first
Creativity Affirmations
We all want our kids to grow up believing that creativity is available to everyone, that it’s not something just artists or famous thinkers possess. The more they can practice seeing themselves as naturally creative, the more ready they’ll be to tap into creative moments when they appear.
- I have a colorful imagination
- I am great at finding fresh ideas
- I was born to create
- I am always ready to receive inspiration
- I can inspire others with what I create
- How I express myself is unique
- I can wait as long as it takes for my creative ideas to bloom
- I can choose to be creative in any moment
- Inspiring details are all around me–all I have to do is look!
- Being creative comes naturally to me
Hobbies/Activities Affirmations
As kids explore different hobbies and activities, it’s always exciting when they find something that clicks with them. Use these affirmations to kindle the joy they’ve discovered in whatever that something is!
- Practice is my secret weapon for doing the best I can at [ ]
- I am determined to get better every day at [ ]
- [ ] brings out the best in me
- I feel true joy when I am doing/playing [ ]
- I am so proud of my progress with [ ]
- Nobody plays/does [ ] like I do
- My ability to play/do [ ] is a gift
- I am so thankful I have the inspiration to do/play [ ]
- It’s okay to take rests from [ ] to recharge and come back even better
- I spread passion by playing/doing [ ]
Emotions Affirmations
Disney’s 2015 movie Inside Out isn’t the only heartwarming way to begin teaching kids about the power of their emotions! While as adults we’ve gotten more used to the kaleidoscopic nature of our emotions, it’s especially challenging for kids to learn the role of their emotions. Having affirmations to call on about emotions can activate an optimistic relationship to the way they experience them.
- It is healthy to feel my feelings, no matter what they are
- I am lucky to have happy moments, and more are always on their way
- I take care of myself through every emotion
- My emotions are perfectly natural expressions
- My emotions don’t define me, I define me
- I can change the direction of my negative emotions before they spiral out of control
- I am free to be happy
- I am honest with myself–I don’t pretend to be feeling something I’m not
- I have loving resources around me to support my emotional journey
- My feelings fill me with all the colors of the rainbow
Health/Wellness Affirmations
Having healthy kids is a blessing that they deserve to appreciate, too! Getting kids to be mindful of their wellness can start with relevant affirmations that help them become aware of the role their minds and bodies play in it.
- I am learning to take better care of myself each day
- My body knows exactly what to do to take care of me
- I am grateful to be a part of this amazing universe
- I am flowing with positive energy
- My body deserves kindness
- I nourish my body with healthy food and thoughts
- My body is a miracle
- I am healthy and whole
- I have a strong body and mind
- I can always take deep breaths to refresh myself
Intelligence Affirmations
The elasticity of kids’ brains is extraordinary. At no time in our lives is there the potential to absorb and make meaning of brand new information quite like during childhood. We can help kids recognize the limitless possibilities of their minds’ potential by offering them affirmations that show them the way.
- My intelligence always guides me in the right direction
- My intelligence is like a tree with branches to infinity
- I am smart and capable of anything I put my mind to
- There are many kinds of intelligences for me to choose
- I love challenges, they are exciting for my brain
- I encourage myself as I learn new things
- Tons of knowledge is swimming inside of me at all times
- When I focus, it’s food for my intelligence
- I stand up for what I believe in
- I am confident about what I know
Printable Affirmation Cards for Kids
If undertaking the entire DIY process isn’t possible, there are terrific printable options that are ready-made or uncolored for a fun semi-DIY experience. Besides, it doesn’t have to stop with coloring between the lines. Depending on the arts and crafts you have available, you can have your child add extra decorations to these cards in whatever ways they can dream up.
Our Favorite Affirmation Cards Sets for Kids
We wouldn’t want anyone to miss out on the delight of affirmation cards and the meaningful moments of growth they can bring. So, here are some adorable decks you can buy if creating one at home isn’t in the…cards!…right now.
Whether you choose to DIY or buy affirmation cards for kids, they will be lucky that you have gone out of your way to connect them with new affirmations to brighten their spirits. And maybe I’m not the only one who has found that they can be refreshing reminders for ourselves, too!