Food & Drink

Baby Boy Bakery’s Simple Strawberry Mango Ice Pop Recipe


My two-year-old daughter, Mila, and I love to cook in the kitchen together. We share fun recipes on my blog, Baby Boy Bakery. We recently kicked off an Ice Pop recipe series to prepare families for the summer months. We’ve been sharing a different ice pop recipe each week. 

Our family adores sweet treats, especially during the warmer seasons because it’s a fun way to cool off. Of course, I do try to keep an eye on what we eat and found that making homemade ice pops (or popsicles) is a great way to enjoy a treat without a ton of added sugar. It’s now a family activity, and we make homemade ice pops each week! We love combining our favorite fruits and flavors into delicious creations. The best part? Making ice pops are really easy and require less than 5 ingredients.



We use ripe fruit to maximize flavor and use ingredients like fresh-squeezed juice, coconut water, and creamy yogurt to enhance the taste. Fruit is jam-packed with natural sugars so you dont need any additional sweeteners or sugar. I love prepping everything and having my daughter, Mila, help toss fruit into the blender. She even helps pour the ice pop liquid into the molds.

Getting your children involved even just a tiny bit makes them feel so proud of the end result! The messes can be cleaned, but the memories last a lifetime!



Today, Im sharing our familys favorite recipe today with you all, Simple Strawberry Mango Ice Pops. This ice pop is sweet and a tad creamy thanks to the mango and ripe strawberries. It has a great tang from the citrus in the fresh-squeezed orange juice. Just these three ingredients together offer a wonderfully balanced and delicious ice pop that you can enjoy with your family, no guilt!



  • Prep time: 8 minutes
  • Chill time: 6 hours
  • Servings: 6-8 (depends on the type of mold)



  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 1 cup mango, cubed
  • 1/2 cup fresh orange juice
  • Mesh strainer
  • Popsicle mold
  • Blender


How To Make

  1. Rinse and dry your fruit. Cut the green tops off the strawberries and cut them each in half. Peel and cube the mango.
  2. Toss the fruit into a blender and add the orange juice. Blend until smooth. Don’t worry if you need to add a bit more liquid. 
  3. Place the mesh strainer over a bowl. Pour the fruit liquid into the mesh strainer over the bowl. Use a spatula to work the liquid through the mesh strainer. This will remove any seeds or pulp so the ice pop texture is smooth.
  4. Transfer the strained fruit liquid into a container that is easy to pour from. 
  5. Fill the popsicle molds with the fruit liquid and freeze for up to six hours or overnight.
  6. Enjoy and store the ice pops in the freezer for up to two weeks.


For more simple ice pop recipes, head to Baby Boy Bakery!