Spring is in bloom and all around us are signs of its refreshing arrival. From new buds on the trees to pops of color from the season’s first flowers, nature is inviting us to grow and play outdoors right along with her. Whether it’s starting to create your family’s spring bucket list or teaching your little ones about having an earth-friendly attitude, it’s certainly a time for embracing the treasures of Mother Earth. And that includes April’s celebration of Earth Day, which is sprouting with creative do-good and feel-good potential.
Besides reading Earth Day books together during your upcoming storytime, there are an abundance of hands-on Earth Day crafts for kids that can inspire them to appreciate and care for our planet, too. While at other times of the year, our seasonal crafts may include things like glitter, plastic decorations, and other artificial supplies, Earth Day creations are the chance to repurpose, upcycle, and use more natural materials. When we make that our priority, it’s amazing how many beautiful projects there are to dive into using mostly recyclable and low-impact materials from the natural world.
If you’re ready to introduce your kiddos to some earthy and nature-loving pursuits, but don’t know where to start, we’ve got plenty of fun crafting possibilities right here. With clean and simple supplies and easy-to-follow instructions, you’ll be displaying your child’s artwork as an ode to our magical planet (and their talent!) in no time. Keep reading for 20 entertaining Earth Day crafts and activities for kids.
1. Earth Day Signs with Repurposed Materials
Gen-alpha kids are all about activism and having a voice, and supporting Earth Day can be a wonderful place to start. Get ready to round up worn-out clothes and sheets, because you’ve got a cause to cheer forward together!

2. Fairy Greenhouse Egg Carton Seed Starters
Get planting with this enchanting mini greenhouse project that gives littles an opportunity to sow any flower, herb, or vegetable seedlings that excite them. The crafter also includes these DIY peg doll fairies to bring extra good luck for a fruitful harvest.

3. Earth Day Cereal Treats
What kiddo doesn’t adore an edible craft? Think gooey, marshmallowy Rice Krispies Treats with Kix cereal swapped in, with a lovely little candy heart to play the cherry on top.
4. Earth Day Lava Lamp Activity
Who said Earth Day can’t be psychedelic? With only a few ingredients, this simple experiment is a groovy way to get kids curious about chemistry—something our planet wouldn’t exist without!

5. Layers of the Earth Bowls
Who hasn’t wondered what would happen if you kept digging and digging that hole at the beach or in your backyard? Wonder no more with this engaging recycled paper mache craft that’s equal parts educational and artistic about Earth.

6. Bug Scavenger Hunt
Hey, even though we as parents aren’t necessarily immune to being afraid of bugs either, we can all chime in to better appreciate all that they do for our planet. Besides, many kids love bugs! What’s nice about a scavenger hunt is, no matter your feelings, you can choose to get as close to the critters as you’re comfortable.

7. Homemade Bird Feeder
Birdsong does seem extra enthusiastic when spring arrives, and we totally get the birds’ excitement. Gift them some good cheer with these easy DIY bird feeders, and keep an ear out for the sweet songs that are sure to follow!

8. The Drawing Tree
There’s no better way to kickstart Earth Day crafts for kids than by giving them the chance to express their gratitude for trees. This precious Drawing Tree activity is a lovely way to help them be more in touch with how trees nourish our well-being.

9. Bubble Letter Kindness Rocks
Let the earth be your canvas! Encourage your kiddos to collect and paint rocks with their favorite words and expressions to spread environmentally or socially-conscious acts of kindness. They’re great for placing in parks, gardens, or other community spaces because they could positively impact anyone who passes them.

10. Earth Day Paint Chip Craft
Surely little ones will enjoy an outing to Lowe’s or Home Depot to pick out paint chip cards (or maybe you already have some extra at home), followed by a craft session where they can puzzle piece their way to creating a repurposed mosaic of the Earth.

11. Flower Portraits
Flower children will delight in being able to honor Earth Day by using their imagination to design a self-portrait entirely out of pretty flower petals and leaves.

12. Recycled Plantable Seed Paper
If you’ve never grown seeds from paper before, it’s absolutely worth trying. There’s something extra fascinating about witnessing plants come to life after you’ve buried a cute little paper cutout. While this project’s a bit more ambitious, at the end your little one will have a whole collection of seed paper that can be shared with friends, family, or classmates too.

13. Paper Egg Carton Flowers
Create stunning bouquets of daisies, roses, daffodils, and bellflowers as you eagerly wait for summer’s blooms with this innovative repurposing of your empty egg cartons. Once they’ve dried, you can even lightly spray them with an all-natural room or body spray so they’ll smell like fresh flowers.
14. Salt Dough Earth Day Craft
While there’s nothing wrong with Play-Doh, why not opt for a more natural dough this Earth Day by combining flour, warm water, and salt to fashion these nifty Earth ornaments?

15. Fairy House Night Lights
Take your recycling efforts this Earth Day a step further by turning plastic bottles into these charming faux tea light fairy houses.

16. 3D Recycled Unicorn Craft
Celebrate colors and creatures both real and imagined on Earth Day by constructing these eco 3D unicorns. Made from recycled toilet paper rolls, yarn, and non-toxic paint, they definitely prove that fantasy can take shape from the earth-derived gifts.

17. Pretend Play Bunny Hutch
If your child has been dying for a pet, or they’ve wanted a bunny but you’re afraid the real ones will leave their droppings everywhere (despite how utterly adorable bunnies are, they absolutely will!), this upcycled shoe box and sock project can be a perfect consolation for the time being!

18. Paper Pinwheel Craft for Earth Day
Get your little one involved in livening up your garden or favorite potted plants by folding and forming these neat miniature pinwheels proudly displaying the Earth’s blues and greens.

19. Easy Newspaper Flowers
For Earth Day flowers that will never wilt, piece together these recycled newspaper blooms that are cute as a button right down to their very center!

20. Mosaic Earth Day Craft
For one of those simpler yet still eye-catching Earth Day crafts for kids, keep your little one’s hands busy with an impressive number of construction paper squares as they assemble their very own planet Earth.