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20 Beautiful Gender-Neutral Nursery Ideas


We’ve all seen the movies when a new baby is born and the doctor or nurse emphatically exclaims “it’s a girl!” or “it’s a boy!” With my first pregnancy, I knew I wanted to have that moment, so we decided not to find out our baby’s gender. And when I say “we,” I really mean I decided, because my husband would have gladly found out the sex at that first ultrasound.

So when it came to designing a gender-neutral nursery, I also knew I didn’t want the typical, light yellow walls from those aforementioned movies. And thanks to Pinterest, Instagram, and a slew of creative moms and designers sharing their work, we don’t have to look very far for gender-neutral nursery inspiration. Here are 20 favorites from around the web.

Earthy Naturals

gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @thistle.harvest
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @allihavrilla
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @kokobean
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @ciarachanelself
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @lifeonhillst
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @themindfulhaven

Whites & Grays

gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @jennakutcher
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @babygrey.co.uk
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @jandkdesignstudio
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @thisgiantlife
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @corneroakdesign
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @eatsleepwear
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @erinfetherston

A Dash of Color

gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @donebydeer
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @thislittlehouse
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @jillian.harris
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @sophiemathewsonphotography
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @pennyandthepearl
gender-neutral nursery ideas
Source: @cocoscaravan