Pediatric Surgery Guide
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This post was in partnership with Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everymom editorial board. We only recommend brands we genuinely love.

Is Your Child Having Ear Tube Surgery? Here’s What You Need to Know

Source: Canva
Source: Canva

There isn’t much that all parents can agree on, but we can all concur that having a sick child is the absolute worst—even more so when it’s an illness that keeps coming back like repeated colds, sore throats, and ear infections. When things like this become incessant, sometimes the only solution is a surgical procedure like tonsil or ear tube surgery. We know surgery can often seem even scarier than the original illness. If this is your current predicament, we’re here to help ease your anxiety about the unknown. 

For half a decade now, The Everymom has strived to be a go-to resource for whatever kind of motherhood moment you’re in: the good, the bad, the scary. We’ve put together a comprehensive guide with the help of the medical experts at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago to answer all your questions regarding common surgical procedures. Pediatric otolaryngology surgeons are sharing everything you need to know about ear tube surgery.

Meet the Expert

Dr. Laura Swibel Rosenthal

Attending Physician, Otorhinolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery


Meet the Expert

Dr. Kathleen Billings

Attending Physician, Otorhinolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery

Ear Tube Surgery in Kids: A Guide for Parents

1. What is ear tube surgery and why might my child need it? Who might perform it?

Ear tube insertion, sometimes called a myringotomy, is typically performed by pediatric ear, nose, and throat (ENT) surgeons on young children (mostly ages 1-3 but can be placed in older children as well) with frequent ear infections—e.g., more than three ear infections in six months. The tubes help fluid drain out of the middle ear, reducing the risk of future ear infections. The tubes usually fall out by themselves after 6-18 months.

2. Is this an inpatient or outpatient procedure?

This is an outpatient procedure. It usually takes no more than 20 minutes and is one of the most common pediatric procedures performed in the U.S.

3. What’s the best way to physically and mentally prepare a child for this surgery at home?

Even though this is a routine procedure, surgery can be scary for kids (and their loved ones!). Talking with children about what it will be like can help assuage any fears. Parents and caregivers should always feel free to reach out to their care team with specific questions or concerns.

A 1-3 year old child may not be able to be prepared for surgery, per se, although a Certified Child Life Specialist can see some as needed. life can see some as needed. Parents need to provide love and a sense of safety, since they can’t explain what is happening to a young child.

4. Can they eat beforehand? Should they stay hydrated?

In general, the stomach must be completely empty for the day of the procedure, so your child may feel a little dehydrated by the time of arrival to the operating room. A nurse will give specific directions tailored to your child’s procedure before it’s scheduled. Generally, most children will have to stop all eating and most drinking the night before. Clear liquids may be allowed up to one or two hours before the procedure. These must be liquids that you can easily see through. One tip to note is considering water or apple juice only.

5. Do you have any tips for easing both parent and child’s anxiety leading up to the procedure?

Education is key. Reach out to the child’s care team with any questions and concerns. Some children’s hospitals and surgery centers offer a Certified Child Life Specialist who’s trained to walk young children through their fears about procedures. Lurie Children’s has videos and written guides to help prepare children and their families for a procedure.

Ear Tube Surgery in Kids: A Guide for Parents
Source: Janice B. Terry, Senior Photographer Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital

6. How painful is this procedure? 

Pain is not often associated with this procedure. If there is discomfort, over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol or Motrin are often prescribed.

7. Does this procedure require any sort of sedation or anesthesia? 

Yes, most children are placed under general anesthesia to receive ear tubes. Children’s hospitals like Lurie Children’s have trained pediatric anesthesiologists who ensure your child’s safety and comfort during the entire procedure.

8. What is normal behavior for a child after surgery?

Sometimes immediately after the procedure very young children can be upset for 20 minutes or so while they are waking up. Sometimes anesthesia can make a child sleepy for several hours following the procedure. Still, most children who undergo this surgery return to their normal activities the day following their procedure. Click here to learn more about pediatric anesthesia.

9. What will the post-operative and recovery phase look like? 

In some cases, children will be prescribed ear drops to use for a few days after surgery to help heal the middle ear, where a small incision is made to place the tubes. The child normally goes home the same day and returns to school or normal activities the next day.

10. Post-procedure, what symptoms should I be monitoring for that might suggest I should contact our doctor?

As with all surgeries, there is a small risk of infection. If the child has a fever or can’t keep fluids down for more than 24 hours, call the doctor. The medical team should also be contacted if the tubes fall out within a few weeks of surgery, or if there’s yellowish or smelly drainage from the ear.

Yellow, white or even bloody drainage from the ear can often be treated with ear drops. Bleeding without any history of trauma to the ear is typically a sign of inflammation and a special ear drop may be needed.If there is severe pain, then the child may need to be seen by their primary care physician to assess the situation. An ear infection is possible if the ear tube is clogged (or not working).

The emergency room is not always a great place to go for these issues—instead it’s best to go see a primary care physician and pediatric ENT surgeon directly. Of course, this would be a judgment call for family and/or treating physician.

children's ear tube surgery
Source: Janice B. Terry, Senior Photographer Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital

11. Can my child swim or get his head wet with tubes in the ears?

Generally, yes, a child can swim and be bathed in the days following the procedure. Ask the doctor whether ear plugs would be recommended for the first few days, though.

12. Will this affect my child’s hearing?

In many cases, ear tubes will improve hearing in children who may otherwise experience hearing issues due to chronic ear infections and fluid buildup in the ear. In rare cases, scarring on the ear drum can relate to the inflammation from the ear infections themselves, not necessarily the tube. This is generally not associated with any hearing loss.

13. Can ear tubes get clogged after surgery?

This does happen in rare cases. If a tube becomes clogged, the next steps will vary depending on the child’s symptoms and physical exam. The clog will sometimes resolve with ear drops or simply with time. Occasionally, an ear tube that’s not working well may need to be replaced if the child has recurrent infections or persistent fluid stuck behind the ear drum.

Particularly with newer tubes, if they are plugged, they can often unplug in the office at a first follow-up visit. Then may treat with drops depending on the child/scenario. Clogs don’t often go away on their own.

14. Can their body reject the ear tubes?

No. The ear tubes normally fall out of the eardrum and the ear canal on their own. This typically happens after about one year. Sometimes they fall out sooner, sometimes later. But the average standard tube lasts about one year.

15. Can ear tubes hurt when they come out?

When the tubes fall out on their own, it typically happens without the child (or parent) noticing. It usually doesn’t hurt.

16. Will the ear tubes help with my child’s speech development?

The main purpose of the ear tubes is to help protect the child’s hearing. It may indirectly help with speech development in patients whose speech delay is related to hearing loss from middle ear fluid.

About Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago

Led by a team of world-renowned pediatrics experts, Lurie Children’s is the #1 pediatric hospital in Illinois and an institution we trust for all things kids’ health. With 140 years of clinical expertise, research, and community engagement, the team at Lurie Children’s is committed to putting children and their families at the center of everything they do. We are honored to partner with Lurie Children’s to help educate our readers about how we can help our kids lead a healthier future. Learn more about Lurie Children’s and find a doctor near you today!

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This post was in partnership with Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everymom editorial board. We only recommend brands we genuinely love.