Growing up a ‘90s kid and now as a proud mama to a kindergartener, it’s safe to say I’ve watched a lot of television. Like, a lot. While my tastes and preferences have evolved over time, one thing I love—especially as a writer—is when characters just stick with you. In fiction, you can tell awesome and thoughtful writing by how characters develop, grow, and interact with each other. But it’s pretty rare to find characters from kids’ cartoons who resonate with you like that. At least it was until Bluey came along. I freaking love Bluey.
Because your registry isn’t just a checklist, we’re here to help you choose what’s best for you. From moms and experts who have been through it all, these are our winners for The Everymom’s 2025 Baby Registry Awards.
Specifically, I stan Chilli and Bandit (for those unfamiliar, they’re Bingo and Bluey’s parents). You can tell they love each other and their children, their connection is evident, and they’re so fun. Chilli and Bandit are not without their flaws, of course, which makes them that much more authentic, and I happen to think Bluey’s parents are #couplegoals. Here are eight reasons why.
1. They Laugh A Lot
One of our favorite episodes, “Dance Mode,” really highlights the fun dynamic between Bluey’s parents. They aren’t afraid to embarrass or be silly in public with their girls, and their original songs are also quite entertaining. Chilli and Bandit seem pretty much down for anything if it means making memories or getting giggles from each other and their kiddos, showing that they aren’t afraid to let loose and have fun. I like to think this helps them keep the spark going. And then, I remind myself I’m talking about two cartoon dogs. Either way, they really don’t take each other, or life, too seriously.
2. They Roll With It
Chilli and Bandit are pretty good at going with the flow, and that’s an awesome attribute considering parenting two young kids isn’t easy. Another favorite episode in our house, “Housework,” shows the two navigating disruptions to their set aside time to clean the house. Instead of being sticklers for the anticipated chores, when the girls are being playful and disruptive (and hilarious, if you ask me), they’re able to take a breath together and, instead, soak in the small and silly moments of their family. (This one stuck with me for sure.)
3. They’re on the Same Parenting Page
Parenting is hard—and the show isn’t afraid to show that. But Chilli and Bandit’s ability to “get” each other and keep an eye out for one another is next level. Take for example, “Takeaway.” When Chilli is feeling stressed and overwhelmed by the chaoticness of parenthood, Bandit suggests ordering in for dinner. It’s a simple and small gesture that shows Chilli he’s “on it” and “gets it”—they both do a great job of showing they’re attentive and intuitive partners.
4. They Squabble and Struggle
In keeping true to their developed personalities, the realness of Chilli and Bandit’s relationship can also be seen in the way they squabble. They’re not immune from eye rolls or mutterings (and they’re sometimes shared as reactions to their kids’ antics, which I love)—just like us real humans in real relationships aren’t.
There’s also the episode where they’re pretty much parenting hungover, “Whale Watching,” which takes place on New Year’s Day, and we can see their real AF tag team efforts to survive parenting while, um, not feeling their best (because they’re freaking awesome and had too much fun together the night prior—who among us hasn’t been there?). It’s not ideal, but they make it through together, as we do.
While there’s no need to take sides as viewers, throughout Bluey we can see the duo engage in some less than ideal (but no less real) situations, disagreements, or “squabbles” like when they go back and forth about the “bin bags.” Assuming this is how they handle most fears and life’s challenges, it’s inspiring. They aren’t perfect, and they don’t pretend to be.
5. Some Things Are Kept Between Just Them
So, I honestly don’t know this, but I’d like to think that just as social media is considered a highlight reel, so are the episodes. It would be wildly inappropriate if we were to see Chilli and Bandit, say, discuss any intimacy issues, budget stressors, or work woes in a children’s TV show—but in writing this, I figured I’d tell myself they certainly have their issues, we just don’t see them.
Though, we do see some things that let us fill in the blanks—like in the episode “Curry Quest” in the third season when it’s revealed Bandit has to head off on a work trip for six weeks—which I’m sure couldn’t have been easy on any of them. Or when we get to see a glimpse into his home office in “Yoga Ball.” As someone who works from home and knows how Bandit is often the one home most with the kids… you get the idea.

6. They Let Go and Move On
Like any other couple, Chilli and Bandit aren’t perfect. But one thing I’ve noticed throughout the show is they tend to pick and choose their battles and are really great at letting things go. They’re forgiving attitudes and interactions consistently show us they know neither is without their faults or flaws, but they love each other (like a lot) despite them.
Take, for example, “Stickbird“—when The Wheelers head to the beach and Bandit is definitely not acting or feeling like himself. Spacey and disengaged, Chilli notices saying, “Let it go, babe, you’re missing all of this,” and he replies, “I’m trying to.” In her saying, “Let it go,” Chilli shows they’ve obviously discussed what is bothering him previously, and she’s keeping an eye out for him—encouraging him to be in the now instead of in his mind.
Another favorite? Back to the bin bag argument in “Postman,” where Bluey overhears some squabbling between her mum and dad. Though she wants to try to “fix” things, she eventually learns that some bickering here and there is okay—normal even—and even people who love each other don’t agree with each other 100 percent of the time.
7. They Exemplify Real Partnership
One of the Bluey moments that really stuck with me was in Season Two’s episode “The Show,” when Bandit reaches for Chilli’s hand while Bluey was pretending to be pregnant with a balloon under her shirt, and it pops. I took it as a subtle nod to a heartbreaking pregnancy loss, which was actually later confirmed by the creator himself that, “the show indeed does point at Chili having a miscarriage.” It was an insinuation that again reminded us that Bluey is as much for the parents as it is for the kids, and it was the simple act of hand-holding that represented their true partnership and care for one another.
8. They Make Time For Each Other… and Themselves
Bluey is one of the only children’s TV shows that I’ve watched where it depicts both parents carving out time for themselves and each other, even when it’s hard or hectic. Romantic dinners, dance parties, and even smaller moments of hugs or headrests show Chilli and Bandit’s deep adoration for each other. They also (though infrequently) share a “smoochu kiss” on-screen, and I think it’s so important for kids to see that.
And in the episode “Relax,” we watch the family embark on a vacation. When they arrive at their vacation home, Bluey and Bingo do what kids do—instantly wanting to go-go-go. Bandit tells Chilli that he’s got the kids, so Chilli should take some time for herself. In an all-too-real moment for anxious parents everywhere, it’s not that easy, even when the opportunity presents itself. Chilli struggles with having nothing to do, projecting a sense of guilt. But seeing Bandit give Chilli the opportunity to have some time for herself shows how strong their relationship is and how much they look out for each other like all couples should.