Mental Health

Navigating Parenthood as a Highly Sensitive Person: 6 Therapist-Approved Tips

written by AMY BRAUN, LCPC, PMH-C
highly sensitive person parenting"
highly sensitive person parenting
Source: Elevae Visuals
Source: Elevae Visuals

Being a mother can be overwhelming on the best of days, but for highly sensitive moms (HSPs), overstimulation can seriously affect mental health without the proper strategies. Dr. Elaine Aron, a psychologist, coined the term “Highly Sensitive Person” in 1991 to describe individuals who have a nervous system that is more finely tuned to external and internal stimuli. HSPs often possess heightened empathy, strong emotional reactions, a deep need for downtime, and an acute sensitivity to sensory input like loud noises, strong smells, and bright lights. 

Dr. Aron notes that being a highly sensitive person is not a disorder; it’s simply a personality trait. According to a recent study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, researchers found that approximately 20-30 percent of the population worldwide identifies as HSP. If you are wondering whether you might be a highly sensitive mom and need help managing overstimulation—keep reading.

How to Know if You’re an HSP

Now that we have a basic understanding of what it means to be a highly sensitive person, let’s explore some common signs that can help you identify if you are an HSP mom:

Intense Empathy

Highly sensitive moms often find themselves deeply affected by the emotions of others, especially their children. You might feel overwhelmed when your child is upset or distressed, so it takes time to recover from these emotional experiences. It may feel as if you “take on” the emotions of your children, leading to rumination and anxiety on ways to “fix” their problems. 

Overwhelmed by Crowds and Noise

If you’re uncomfortable in noisy, crowded environments and prefer quiet settings, this is a classic sign of being an HSP. Loud birthday parties, school events, indoor playdates, and large family gatherings may leave you feeling drained. 

Sensory Sensitivity

HSPs are often sensitive to sensory stimuli. You might cringe at the sound of people chewing, be irked by certain textures or fabrics, or find strong odors overwhelming.

Need for Alone Time

Highly sensitive moms frequently require solitude to recharge. You may find that you need regular breaks from social interactions and family life to recharge your social battery.

Perfectionism and Attention to Detail

HSPs often have a sharp eye for detail and a desire for things to be just right. This can lead to perfectionism in parenting and an increased sense of responsibility. You may not be able to go to sleep with dirty dishes in the sink, ruminate over mistakes made, and struggle when you feel like you aren’t meeting the mark. 

If any or all of this sounds familiar—you are not alone! Thankfully, there are practical strategies that you can start using daily to manage overstimulation effectively.

Six Strategies for Highly Sensitive Moms

Being a highly sensitive mom is a unique and beautiful journey, but it also comes with its own set of challenges, including overstimulation. By understanding what it means to be an HSP, identifying the signs in yourself, and implementing the tips below, you can effectively manage overstimulation and create a more balanced and peaceful parenting experience. 

Remember, self-care, boundaries, mindfulness, environmental adjustments, and seeking support are your allies in navigating the world of motherhood as a highly sensitive person. You don’t have to let the downsides of being a sensitive mother overshadow the positives of being an HSP.

1. Prioritize Self-Care

As a highly sensitive mom, self-care should be at the top of your priority list. Carve out time for yourself daily, even if it’s just 15 minutes. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it’s reading, taking a bath, meditating, going on a run, or practicing yoga. Regular self-care can help you recharge and better handle overstimulating situations without impacting your mental health.

2. Establish Boundaries

Practice saying “no.” As a highly sensitive mom, you are prone to people-pleasing due to your empathetic nature. That is why it is crucial to protect your emotional energy and learn to set good boundaries

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness techniques can help highly sensitive moms stay grounded and reduce overstimulation. Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Simple practices like deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided meditation can help you manage overwhelming emotions and sensory input.

highly sensitive moms
Source: Élevae

4. Limit Stimuli

You can control your environment to reduce overstimulation. Consider making adjustments like dimming lights, using noise-cancelling headphones, or eliminating clutter in your home. Creating a soothing, sensory-friendly space can provide you with a safe haven when you need alone time to escape from overstimulating situations.

5. Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to seek support from other highly sensitive moms or a therapist who specializes in working with HSPs. Connecting with others who share similar experiences can provide validation and practical advice. Therapy can help you develop coping strategies and better understand your highly sensitive nature.

6. Embrace Being an HSP as Your Parenting Superpower

Embracing your sensitivity and using it to your advantage can be a parenting strength.

Understanding Your Child’s Needs

Your heightened sensitivity and attunement to your emotions allow you to better understand what your child needs at any moment.

Nurturing Home Life

As an HSP mom, you are more in touch with your environment. You know how to make sure that your child’s surroundings are contributing to their well-being.

Listening Skills

Your ability to truly understand and empathize with your child creates a relationship of trust and open communication. 

Emotional Intelligence

Being a highly sensitive mom means that you are more aware of your own emotions. You can model how to navigate and express your feelings, which builds resilience in your children.

Celebrating Milestones

Your heightened sensitivity allows you to acknowledge and notice even the smallest achievement in your child’s life. Use your attention to detail to boost your child’s self-esteem and motivation.

highly sensitive moms
Source: Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels


Your increased need for stability and routine creates an environment of safety for your children. Kids thrive on routine, and your sensitivity to your environment naturally creates this. 

Teaching Your Children Empathy

Your increased empathy is a powerful tool in helping your children develop compassion for others. Through your actions, you are instilling in your kids the importance of considering others’ feelings.

Conflict Resolution

You have a natural ability to empathize with all points of view in a disagreement. Your sensitivity to others’ emotions allows you to teach your kids healthy ways to navigate conflict in relationships.

Supporting Uniqueness

As an HSP mother, your sensitivity helps you better understand and embrace your child’s unique talents, quirks, and skills. This fosters a deep sense of acceptance and self-esteem in your children. 

Love For Nature and Creativity

HSP mothers often thrive in nature and have a deep appreciation for the arts. You can use these interests to introduce your children to the beauty of the world and take them on new adventures. 

By recognizing and wholeheartedly embracing your sensitivity, you transform it into a superpower that enhances your parenting. Your HSP traits not only shape the emotional landscape of your family but also create an ideal environment for your children to thrive. Your sensitivity lays the foundation for an upbringing that will shape your children into well-rounded, confident adults.