Even on the best days, life with kids is chaotic, and the chores and errands seem never-ending. To stay on top of things in my family, we automate some of our everyday purchases (like wine and diapers) with handy subscription services. These subscriptions save us time, money, and screaming-car-seat-tantrums, but we also love them because they give us access to certain products and benefits we can’t find in the store.
With that said, in light of the government’s recent instructions to stay home and avoid non-essential errands, subscription services have taken on a whole new meaning in our home and among our friends. For one, they keep us safe (no frequent Target runs!), as well as active and busy. They also allow us to support smaller businesses that need it. Plus, it’s fun to try something new when you can’t leave the house and are getting tired of Play-Doh—like storytime space yoga or plastic-free toothpaste bites.
Read on to learn more about our family’s most-recently added subscription services and how they’re making our lives at home a little better … and a lot more fun.
1. Toothpaste from Bite Toothpaste
We’re using the extra time we have at home to create more sustainable habits around the house. For example, we’ve eliminated our need for disposable paper towels by switching to Bamboo towels on a roll. So far, our favorite waste-less swap has been our switch to a Bite Toothpaste subscription. Bite Toothpaste bits are all-natural little chewable tablets that come in a glass jar as opposed to plastic toothpaste tubes. They look chic, and our kid loves the Berry flavor!
2. Kid’s Meals from Nurture Life
Trips to the grocery store have been more stressful than usual lately, so to make things easier, we signed our little guy up for Nurture Life. They provide nutritious, ready-to-eat portioned meals created by nutritionists and food experts. Nurture Life meals balance organic veggies and proteins and have options for all ages. Our kid loves them, and we’re happy knowing he is getting everything he needs from delicious, quick meals and snacks.

Source: @nurturelife
3. Yoga + Pilates Classes from the Glo App
For around $20 a month, the Glo app has a huge library of on-demand yoga, pilates, and meditation classes. I love how the app can connect right to your Roku, Apple TV, or Fire TV and that there are so many different teachers and class-style, depending on your preference.
4. Wine and Wine Educations from Wine Awesomeness
If you’ve ever dreamed of impressing dinner guests with sommelier-level wine knowledge, now’s the time to try Wine Awesomeness. You get three bottles for around $50, plus it comes with descriptions and stories about each bottle and what kind of food pairs with them. You won’t get bored, I promise!
5. Kid’s Yoga from Cosmic Kids
I never thought my very active 2-year-old would be interested in yoga, but Cosmic Kids is so fun, it’s hard to resist—even for him! For about $10 a month, I can access yoga and mindfulness “classes” designed for kids of all ages that mix in songs, stories, and pretend-play with poses like “Cow” and “Rocket Pose.” I can’t attend my regular library storytimes and music classes, so this is a great alternative.
6. Fresh Flowers from My Little Posy
With Easter on its way and spring in full swing, we set aside some money in our budget to freshen up our space with fresh flowers each week. (We can’t go out, so let’s bring the outside in!) There’s a local floral delivery shop called My Little Posy in our metro area that allows us to subscribe to fresh deliveries for the next four weeks. Since My Little Posy isn’t a nationwide chain, we urge you to find a flower shop in your area that needs support.

Source: @my_little_posy
7. Crafts from Lindsay Kendrick Studio
Again, since we can’t attend any of our regular kid programs, I’ve been looking for ways to keep my son entertained and excited about learning. I love Lindsay Kendrick Studio classes and am happy to be able to support her business through this time by purchasing her at-home art kits. She can ship the art kits (the next one includes a personalized name banner!) right to you and will guide you through the process via social media. I highly recommend her projects, and it’s also great for you to look into other children’s activity providers in your area that may need your support while they can’t host events.
8. Lawn Care Supplies from Get Sunday
There’s no better time for yard work. Avoid another trip out, and try Get Sunday, lawn care delivered to you and tailored to your yard and needs. The ingredients are safe (great for kids and pets) and each order includes an Every Sunday Smart Lawn Plan based on your soil, climate, and lawn. Get outside! (Sort of).
9. Journaling with the Jour App
I love the Jour App right now. It’s a guided journaling app that re-creates the way you record your feelings and thought and has step-by-step support and a wide array of challenges, from dealing with anxious feelings to recording dreams. I love the self-affirmations and feel better every time I use the app. It’s 100 percent worth it.

Source: @withjour
10. Organic Produce from a Local CSA
This is a great time to support a farm in your area. With a CSA, you’ll get fresh, seasonal produce (and eggs, milk, and meat depending on the plans and farms you choose) without long lines. Plus, your dollars go directly to farms and families who need it. It’s a win-win.
Read More: Need a Pick-Me-Up? Here Are 24 Ways to Treat Yourself for Under $30