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Creative Ways to Display Your Kid’s Artwork

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display kids artwork
Source: @grohplayrooms vis #sharetheeverymom
Source: @grohplayrooms vis #sharetheeverymom

Sure, diamonds are nice, but have you ever received a one-of-a-kind art piece made by the person you love most in the world? Anything made by those little hands is not only priceless, but it’s also heartwarming and serves as a time capsule of their childhood. Admittedly, the first scribbled handwritten notes you are given for Mother’s Day make your heart melt. But then they go to school and the floodgates of art projects and school work come cascading into your home. It’s all still cute, but it’s also a lot of “stuff” to organize on top of the crafts you may do at home with your little artists.

We understand your desire to hold on to those precious keepsakes and we have ideas on how to preserve your kid’s artwork or to honor mementos, like transforming your kid’s clothing into decor elements in your home. Before you store the salt artwork away or secretly toss some (no judgment here!), perhaps you would like to consider some creative ways to display your kid’s artwork. Below are some ideas on how to easily incorporate your child’s creations into your home that adds to your decor without it actually taking over too much real estate.

1. Place Artwork Into Frames

Find a space in your home to frame the beautiful artwork your littles made and enjoy it year-round! The best part about this idea is that installation is simple and you can easily update the artwork anytime. 

kids artwork
Source: Clover Lane
kids artwork
Source: Hello Happiness

2. Use the Frames Without the Glass

If you’re feeling crafty, pop out the glass or plastic from the frames and give those frames a makeover. With a little ingenuity, you can hang your kid’s artwork within the glassless frames and easily interchange them to your heart’s desire.

kids artwork
Source: Yellow Bliss Road

3. Hang Them with String or Wire

Grab some extra string or wire in your house and use them to hang your little Picasso’s artwork. It’s a simple but effective way to integrate your child’s masterpieces into any space.

kids artwork
Source: Craving Some Creativity
kids artwork
Source: @artbarblog

4. Use a Yardstick and Clothes Pins

Get creative with materials already in your home by utilizing a yardstick and some extra clothes pins to decorate your home with your child’s one-of-a-kind art pieces. This decor idea is genius because you can essentially display this artwork in any room, as it seamlessly integrates on any wall.

kids artwork
Source: My Domestic Daybook

5. Create a “Wall of Fame”

Consider making a statement with your child’s artwork by dedicating a whole wall not only to their art but also to feature their school work, drawings, charts you use to track their progress or provide incentives, and anything else you can possibly think of. This “wall of fame” will honor your child’s extraordinary presence in your life.

kids artwork
Source: Project Nursery

6. Display on Cork Boards

If you’re looking for a no-fuss way to display your kid’s artwork, simply put up some cork boards, get some pins, and voilà! You just made a gorgeous gallery wall dedicated to your child’s art creations.

kids artwork
Source: The Lily Pad Cottage

7. Design a Clipboard Wall

Repurpose those clipboards lying around your office space by creating a unique gallery of your child’s masterful art. The best part about this idea is that it’s easy to remove and replace artwork whenever you feel the desire to change things up.

Toy Section of Sons Bedroom
Source: Kate Dreyer