The holidays are here. There’s no question there’s been a lot of talk about moms bearing the mental load of the holidays. As a mom of two littles—this year being my baby’s first Christmas—I’ll say this time is exciting and simultaneously a little hectic. One way I’m getting through this holiday season is seeing all the relatable holiday-related TikTok and Instagram reels from other moms out there. They’re truly spreading holiday joy. My favorite videos lately are the ones that have people debating—or agreeing—that “Santa” is really a mom. From what I’ve been told, Santa is always working behind the scenes well before Christmas Eve arrives. He knows when you’re awake. He wears his go-to comfy outfit all the time. He’s also known to carry a giant bag full of kids’ toys.
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Santa really does have a lot of the same characteristics as a mom. So one mom took the comparison to Instagram to prove why “Santa” and “Mom” may be synonymous, and the video has gone viral.
The Relatable Comparison of Santa to Moms
Caitlin Wilder (@wilderbeginnings), a mom of two, recently posted a viral video that has garnered over 12K likes and has been forwarded to over 19K people with her explanation of how the two can compare. It’s caught the attention of other moms who can relate, saying, “Literally lol this is [too] real.”
Wilder uses the song, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, to break down how exactly moms are THE ‘Santa.’ You’ve probably heard the song a time or two—especially during the holiday season or on your holiday Spotify playlist. Here’s Wilder’s analysis of a few of the lyrics and notable Santa characteristics:
“Making a list and checking it twice”
Moms have a lot of lists—mentally and physically—going at all times. Wilder says that is just the “mom mental load coded.”
“Knows when you’re awake”
Santa isn’t the only one who knows when you’re awake. Have you ever stepped in the shower and immediately gotten that innate feeling that your baby woke up from their nap? This happens to me all the time. Wilder notes, “Moms can hear their baby wake up and cry from 5 rooms away.” It’s true.
Finding out “who’s ‘naughty’ and ‘nice’”
Wilder says, “That’s a mom with more than one kid when they’re both crying and blaming each other.” Does this sound a little familiar?
Wears a comfy ‘uniform’ that looks like (or is) pajamas 24/7
Wilder comments that this is “classic [for a] new mom.” I’m always on the lookout for comfy fashion pieces to add to my mom uniform.
Carries every item known to man in giant bags when leaving the house
The strength of a mom truly shows when you see her wearing her baby, carrying the diaper bag, holding her handbag, grasping her toddler’s hand, and jingling keys off her one free finger.
Awake all night long visiting children across the world… or the house
This one is “just part of the job,” Wilder adds. Whether it’s your baby waking up for a feeding or your toddler asking for a glass of water, waking up multiple times throughout the night comes with the ‘being a mom’ territory.

Final Thoughts on Santa Being a Mom
Before becoming a mom myself, I never fully appreciated all the hard work my own mom put into making the holiday season—and everything else—magical. Yes, I know. I’m not saying you have to go and tell your kids who Santa ‘really’ is. Although, @thefirstmgkizzle does point out, “All I’m saying is that I’ve never seen Santa in the same room as a mom, ever 👀.” Santa is still magical, and I have to give it to the moms for making the magic actually happen. Like @growingupnaturally commented with this viral video about moms being Santa, “I believe” Wilder’s comparison. If you’re a mom out there in this holiday season, we “see you” while “everyone is sleeping.”

Patty Schepel, Editorial Intern
As the editorial intern, Patty works with The Everymom’s team on pitches, creating original articles, updating existing content, photo sourcing, writing shopping product descriptions, inputting freelance articles, and more. When she’s not working, you can find her spending time with her family, training for half marathons—she ran one 16 weeks pregnant—traveling, cooking, reading a rom-com, and keeping her sourdough starter, Rose, alive.