Do you ever wake up in the morning and just not feel like yourself? We all have days when we can’t keep negative thoughts and judgments about ourselves at bay. It’s even more challenging living in a society that is obsessed with social media, where we can constantly compare our lives to other people we see online. Although it’s normal to have negative thoughts, we can’t let them control how we view ourselves.
Because your registry isn’t just a checklist, we’re here to help you choose what’s best for you. From moms and experts who have been through it all, these are our winners for The Everymom’s 2025 Baby Registry Awards.
Something I’ve learned throughout my life is that shifting your thoughts to more positive messages can actually boost your self-esteem and confidence. Even if it seems challenging to repeat positive statements that you don’t necessarily believe, eventually, as you keep doing it, you’ll start to accept the things you are saying to be true. It’s easier said than done, but at the end of the day, we deserve to feel good about who we are. During moments when you need a little pick-me-up, read on below for 20 positive affirmations to tell yourself every day. Scroll down for all the good vibes! ☀️
1. I love myself as I am.
This is a statement that has often been hard for me to accept. Growing up, I was always more introverted and felt like I didn’t have a lot of things in common with a lot of the people in my friend group. There were so many times when I tried to force myself to act a certain way so I could fit in.
So many people also experience the same thing, where they feel like they have to change who they are so others will like them. However, one of the best parts about life is that every person is different; no one is exactly the same. Embrace who you are, and if people don’t accept you for that, then they don’t belong in your life. You are who you are for a reason.
2. I am my own best source of inspiration.
When it comes to our own creativity, we’re surrounded by endless opportunities for comparison. If it’s not one influencer who’s doing x, it’s another celebrity who has produced y. As you approach your daily opportunities to make or do something fresh, whether that’s at home or professionally, remember you’re filled with an entire universe of joys, memories, observations, and experiences that are more than enough to guide you toward creating something unique.
3. I am worthy of love and goodness just for being who I am.
It’s easy to assume we need to say or do something to earn someone else’s love or approval. We can trick ourselves into believing that it’s our accomplishments or loving actions toward others that are the prerequisites for receiving success or affection in return.
For most parents, there is no cause for that big love they have for their child other than love itself. Likewise, simply being alive is enough of a reason to believe you deserve that same kind of love and acceptance from your relationships.
4. I choose authenticity over perfection.
Many of us can identify with being perfectionistic about something at one point or another. And though we might chalk perfectionism up to striving for excellence, it can still be exhausting.
Meanwhile, it can be a breath of fresh air to intentionally choose to focus on arriving to your desired outcome by just going about it how it comes naturally to you. In other words, rather than focusing on achieving your version of ‘perfect’, release your expectations or critical mental chatter and, as Nike put best, just do it.
5. I wake up today with strength in my heart and clarity in my mind.
As a very anxious person, I am constantly overwhelmed with thoughts and worries, especially when I wake up in the morning. Right when my alarm goes off, it’s like the floodgates open and all the things I’m stressed about pop in my head at once. It feels like I won’t be able to handle everything.
Repeating this affirmation to myself every morning has helped me feel like I am strong enough to handle any thought or worry that comes up throughout my day. It also allows me to breathe and reset so I can stop focusing on the worries and instead focus on the things that are actually important.

6. I truly trust life’s natural flow.
For those moments you feel more rigidly attached to controlling people or situations than you’d like, appreciating life’s ability to unfold naturally can help you gently loosen your hold over them. While of course there are moments where our control over things is to the benefit of ourselves and others, sometimes it’s actually getting in our way of just enjoying the moment. Just like flowers somehow find their way to bloom without trying to control everything, we can trust the natural force behind life’s beauty.
7. My intuition is always available to guide me.
More often than not, we are our own best guides. Really tuning in and listening to yourself can be challenging when you’re surrounded by a diversity of opinions, advice, and appeals for your attention. Learning to follow your intuition can definitely take practice for understanding how you really feel in times you could use guidance the most. However, like any learned skill, once your intuition becomes one of your primary allies, it’s going to be that much more instinctive for you to invite it to show you the way.
8. Good things are always on their way.
No matter what’s going on, if you can believe in ultimate goodness, it’s more likely you’re going to feel more optimistic overall. None of us actually knows what the future is going to bring, so believing it’s going to bring the arrival of what’s good for you is all you can control.
Besides telling yourself this affirmation, why not envision the specifics of what those ‘good things’ are while you’re at it? Maybe it’s your family’s health or a new mom friend—whatever it is, who’s to say it’s not on its way?
9. Happiness is a choice.
Most people always say that they wish they could be happy or find happiness in their lives. Something I realized is that being happy is actually a choice. I used to always see happiness as a destination, like “once I finish my degree, I will be happy.” But I came to the realization that I never was fully happy because once I did complete one of my goals, it just made me want to reach the next one. When I came to the conclusion that happiness is something you choose, I started to feel happier in the present without always feeling like I had to achieve another goal to make me happy.
10. I believe in abundance—more for me doesn’t mean less for others.
Women, and especially moms, are always giving so much of themselves for others. Therefore, it’s highly unlikely that you’re taking ‘too much’ or everything for yourself. Reminding yourself of this affirmation is granting yourself permission to receive, receive, receive! Embrace the kindnesses of others, accept the support that’s being offered to you, say yes to that next shopping splurge. There’s plenty of generosity to go around, which surely already includes yours.
11. Peace is always only a couple of deep breaths away.
There are a lot of moments where pausing can seem impossible, especially if you’re a mom balancing a million and one to-dos. That feeling of being tethered to whatever is going on can be all consuming. Still, your breath is your greatest ally. There’s usually even the smallest window of opportunity for a couple of refreshing deep breaths. Those breaths might seem like they’re going to interrupt your flow, but if anything, they’re only going to enhance it. The key is remembering to take them!
12. It’s OK to not be OK. I allow myself to feel whatever I need to.
Have you ever had one of those moments when a friend asked how you were doing and all you wanted to do was break down and cry, but instead you just responded with “I’m OK?” I have definitely done this so many times because I just didn’t want people to think that I was struggling. You are allowed to feel sad, upset, angry, or whatever emotion you are feeling. Sometimes, you just need to remind yourself that it’s OK if you’re not doing well and you don’t need to pretend that everything is fine all the time.
13. My body is a gift and is always doing everything it can to take care of me.
When you think about it, our bodies really are miracles. There’s so much happening inside of our bodies to keep us breathing and alive, full of intention, emotion, and activity every single day. Yet it can feel like we’re given so many reasons to either improve them, make them more beautiful, or feel insecure about them.
This affirmation is for celebrating your body as she is, without feeling like you need to change a thing. It’s also the friendly reminder that our bodies have feelings too. All that self-criticism and insecurity we direct at them probably isn’t quite the thanks they deserve, considering everything they’re doing to keep us here!
14. I rise above every single negative thought.
We are so much more than our thoughts. Plenty of them seem to bubble up before we even have a say in them. Even though having negative thoughts every so often is pretty inevitable, the way you deal with them is more adaptable.
If you find yourself steeped in negativity, this is the affirmation to turn to. Try to imagine floating above yourself, transcending any of the unpleasant thoughts you might be having. Visualizing the ‘real’ you as superior can turn the rest of what’s happening in your mind into relatively petty thinking.
15. I am proud of myself for getting this far.
You should be proud of yourself for getting through so many ups and downs throughout your life. Even if things aren’t going so well right now, just think about how far you’ve come. Think of all the things that you have accomplished and all the obstacles that you overcame. No matter what stands in your way, you can get through it because you’ve already been through so much. It’s good to look back and be grateful for your accomplishments, no matter how big or small.

16. I cherish each day’s opportunity for connection.
Every day is brimming with chances to engage with others, and they don’t have to be extravagant to feel meaningful. From moments like hugging your child, to saying thank you to your partner, to giving a compliment to someone you cross paths with, there are usually openings to initiate bright connections. Calling to mind this affirmation can help you remember to look for them. Not only will you be uplifting others, but it can remind you each day is the sum of its unique interactions.
17. I focus on the blessings around me, not the shortcomings.
It’s no secret that gratitude’s essential for enjoying life and feeling good about yourself—there’s even research to prove it. That’s why telling yourself you’re going to pay attention to what you’re grateful for in your life, instead of what’s missing, can feel so revitalizing.
Kind of like viewing the proverbial glass as half full, you might have to be deliberate about noticing your blessings ahead of everything else. By being mindful of this affirmation, you’re one step closer to seeing how they’re always around you, elevating your everyday life.
18. I am allowed to say no to others and yes to myself.
I am one of those people who doesn’t like saying “no” to anyone. It‘s hard for me to set boundaries with people because I always want to make others happy. If you’re like me, it’s important to accept that our job in life isn’t to make everyone else around us happy, but instead, our job is to make ourselves happy. You deserve to put yourself first. It’s not the end of the world if you say “no” to something, especially when it comes at the price of sacrificing your own mental health and well-being.
19. Mistakes are just part of my life and they help me grow.
Sometimes it can be easy to beat yourself up over making a mistake or doing something wrong. It’s OK to make mistakes though, and in fact, it is just a natural part of life. We aren’t perfect, and that’s OK. We need to make mistakes so we can learn and grow from them. The mistakes we make allow us to become better versions of ourselves so we can always keep improving.
20. I attract genuine relationships with people who want what’s best for me.
Be sure to savor those people in your life who sincerely care about you! The same goes for believing the people you have yet to meet will care about you like that, too. Being surrounded by your friends, partners, kids, co-workers, or anyone really, is way more fulfilling when you feel like they truly want to see you happy and thriving. Tell yourself this affirmation when you’d like to feel encouraged by the great relationships you’ve already got, as well as the ones that are headed your way.

Caitlyn Somers, Former Editorial Intern
Caitlyn is a writer who received her English degree from UCLA. When she isn’t busy studying or writing articles, Caitlyn loves going to hot yoga classes and binge-watching One Tree Hill for the hundredth time.

Katherine Ballesta-Rosen, Former Editorial Intern
Besides being an avid reader and writer since girlhood, Katherine decided to kick her literacy-laden background up a notch by receiving her Master’s in teaching, and went on to teach English Language Arts to high schoolers for several years. As a former intern at The Everymom, Katherine writes about topics such as maternal wellness, sex and relationships, and more.