Is there any holiday more justified than Mother’s Day? As a mother myself, I think not. With how hard moms work on a daily basis, we deserve a holiday and then some. And while motherhood can take on many different forms and follow a number of different parenting styles, the basis of motherhood is universal: You’re responsible for caring for and loving a young person, and helping to guide them through life. Some might think differently, but I wholeheartedly believe that expectant moms deserve to celebrate Mother’s Day too.
we put it to the test, and it really does live up to the hype 👀
When I was pregnant for the first time, I was admittedly hesitant to do so. The baby wasn’t here yet—so was I technically a mom? It was actually my husband who surprised me with an ice cream cake and a card on that day, communicating that, of course, my new identity should be celebrated on Mother’s Day.
My hesitancy immediately melted away. He was right—of course I deserved to be celebrated! And for more reasons than one. Since that day, and the realization that my husband helped guide me to, I’ve come to believe that all expecting, first-time moms should actively celebrate the holiday. Here’s why.
You’re Already Caring for the Baby
While you may not be able to see your baby outside of the ultrasounds being administered at your many appointments, you are (most likely) already taking steps to care for your child. Every time you take a pre-natal vitamin, add your name to a daycare waitlist, or open a parenting book, you are actively caring for the little person who will soon be making their appearance. The care is there. The love is there. Whether you realize it or not, you have already actively adopted the role of “mom.”

You’ve Been Making Sacrifices for Your Child
You could argue that no one deserves to be celebrated more than a pregnant mother. Pregnancy comes with more than a few sacrifices. Less caffeine, a halt on high-intensity workouts, and a cease-and-desist on all forms of booze, to name a few. Let’s just say, it’s not exactly a walk in the park (Ironically, even a walk in the park is difficult when you’re in your third trimester). With all of the sacrifices you’re making as an expectant mother, the least you can do for yourself is celebrate your new role and all you’ve already accomplished on Mother’s Day.
It’s a Great Opportunity to Wrap Your Head Around Your New Role
Becoming a parent is a transcendental experience—there are truly no words that can accurately describe it. It changes you as a person. And that change can be both exciting and terrifying. Celebrating Mother’s Day before the baby is born is a great way to start wrapping your head around your new role.
Take a few moments on Mother’s Day to visualize your new life. Get excited about the coming arrival of your sweet baby (or babies, if you’re expecting multiples) and feel at ease knowing that the purpose of your life is about to shift in the best way possible. If going out to brunch or having a lavish celebration isn’t your style, take the day as an opportunity to work on your baby’s nursery or pack your hospital bag.

There’s No Better Time to Celebrate Yourself
There’s no doubt about it—once people know you’re expecting, everything is suddenly about the baby. And while it’s truly wonderful to have love and support for your new, tiny human, it’s also totally normal to feel lost in the shuffle. Use Mother’s Day as an opportunity to celebrate and treat yourself a little. As most experienced moms will tell you, it isn’t impossible to practice self-love after the baby is born. But it does get a little bit trickier. Sleep in as long as you’d like, spend the day reading your favorite book. Or treat yourself to a meal from a restaurant you’ve been dying to try. It’s your day—enjoy it!
Whether these reasons resonate with you or not, I do hope you take a moment in your pregnancy journey this Mother’s Day to give yourself a pat on the back. You’re navigating the beginnings of what is bound to be a challenging and exhausting, yet rewarding and magical, phase of your life. What you’re doing is nothing short of incredible—own the day knowing you have every reason to celebrate.