With almost 500 million native speakers, Spanish is among the top five languages spoken around the world—from the Americas to Europe to small pockets of Africa. Chances are, you may be a Spanish speaker yourself, at least in some capacity, or have roots in a Spanish-speaking country. Or perhaps you have a lot of amor for this romance language (or maybe you just loved Coco or Encanto—really, who didn’t?).
Whatever the reason, you can’t go wrong by choosing Spanish baby names for your little ones. They will certainly be in good company around the globe! Keep reading to discover over 50 Spanish baby names we love and their meanings.
Spanish Baby Names for Girls
Pronunciation: ahl-bah
Meaning “dawn,” Alba may just be the perfect name choice for a baby girl born around sunrise.
Pronunciation: ah-leh-hahn-drah
A powerful name choice, Alejandra is the Spanish form of Alexandra and means “defender of mankind.”
Pronunciation: ahl-mah
Alma means “soul” and is related to the Latin word almus, meaning “nourishing.”
Pronunciation: ah-nah
Ana, the Spanish form of Anna, is a simple but beautiful name for your baby girl and the namesake of Cuban-born actress Ana de Armas.
Pronunciation: beh-ah-trees
Meaning “she who brings happiness,” Beatriz is the perfect name for a baby girl and may be shortened to Bea (Beh-ah).
Pronunciation: kah-tah-lee-nah
The Spanish equivalent of Catherine, Catalina means “pure.” Try “Cata” for a nickname.
Pronunciation: ehs-meh-rahl-dah
A wonderful choice for a baby born in May, Esmeralda means “emerald,” which is the birthstone for that month.
Pronunciation: ehs-treh-yah
Estrella means “star,” making it a Spanish baby girl name with main character energy.
Pronunciation: gwah-dah-loo-peh
The name Guadalupe has a large religious significance in Mexico and is also the name of a famous basilica in Mexico City. Lupe may be used as a nickname.
Pronunciation: ee-nehs
This name has Greek origins and means “pure,” which is fitting for a new baby girl.
Pronunciation: ee-sah-beh-lah
A name fit for a queen! Isabella was a common name among the Spanish and Portuguese royals. And Encanto movie fans will recognize it as the name of Mirabel’s enchanting (and floral-producing) older sister Isabela.
Pronunciation: hoh-seh-fee-nah
The female version of Joseph—this is a lovely way to pass on a family name to a female baby.
Pronunciation: leh-oh-nah
Translated to “lioness,” this name is a powerful choice for your future world shaker.

Pronunciation: loh-lah
Lola is a shortened form of Dolores and means “strong.”
Pronunciation: loo-see-ah
Derived from the Latin word for “light,” this name is perfect for a baby born on a bright, sunny day.
Pronunciation: lwee-sah
The feminine form of Luis, meaning “renowned warrior,” it’s no wonder Luisa was “the strong one” in Encanto. For a cute nickname, try Luisita.
Pronunciation: loos
Meaning “light,” this name is short, sweet, and perfect for a new baby.
Pronunciation: mah-ree-ah
The Spanish version of Mary—this is a popular name choice around the world. It is often part of double names such as MarÍa José.
Pronunciation: mah-yah
For literary lovers, choose this name as a nod to Maya Angelou. It may also be used to reference the Mayan population of Latin America.
Pronunciation: mehr-seh-dehs
Meaning “mercy,” Mercedes comes from the Latin word merces, which means “wage” or “reward.”
Pronunciation: pah-loh-mah
Paloma is the Spanish word for “dove,” symbolizing peace and love for many people.
Pronunciation: puh-neh-luh-pi
The namesake of famous Spanish actress Penélope Cruz, this name is perfect for a future star. Use Pepa as a nickname.
Pronunciation: rrah-kehl
This is the Spanish version of the name Rachel, long associated with the actress Raquel Welch.
Pronunciation: rroh-sah
A classic name meaning “rose” or “pink.” Try Rosalita (Rosie) as a nickname.
Pronunciation: sow-fee-uh
This popular girl’s name of Greek origin means “wisdom” with this spelling (versus the Greek “Sophia”) used throughout Spanish-speaking countries.
Pronunciation: soh-leh-dahd
This unique name means “solitude” and is another name used for the Virgin Mary in Mexico.
Pronunciation: bah-lehn-tee-nah
Meaning “strong,” “vigorous” or “healthy,” this name choice serves as a symbol for many things you want for your baby girl.
Pronunciation: beh-roh-nee-kah
This name means “true image,” which is a beautiful nod to who your baby will become. Try Vero as a nickname.
Pronunciation: byoh-leh-tah
This name means “purple” and may also be fitting for a baby girl born in the spring when Violets bloom.
Pronunciation: bee-byah-nah
Referring to a Roman saint, this Spanish name means “alive” in Latin.
Spanish Baby Names for Boys
Pronunciation: ah-goos-teen
Meaning “exalted,” this name has powerful, royal origins. Use Gus for a short and sweet nickname.
Pronunciation: ahl-bah-roh
A fun choice for fantasy story lovers, Álvaro means “elf warrior” or guardian.
Pronunciation: ahn-drehs
The Spanish form of Andrew, the name is Greek in origin and means “masculine.”
Pronunciation: ahn-toh-nyoh
One of the most popular names in Spain for decades, this name is the Spanish version of Anthony.
Pronunciation: kahr-lohs
The Spanish version of Charles, this name has royal origins in Spain. Try Carlito as a nickname.
Pronunciation: krees-tyahn
This name refers to one who is a follower of Christ. Another variation is Cristiano, which may be a good choice for a budding soccer star.
Pronunciation: kroos
This simple name means “cross” in Spanish. It has been popular in the United States in recent years.
Pronunciation: dahn-yuhl
Daniel is one of the most popular names in Mexico and refers to a prophet from the Old Testament. Danilo is an option for a nickname.
Pronunciation: uh-mah-nyu-uhl
From Hebrew origin, Emmanuel means “God is with us” and is a strong Biblical name.

Pronunciation: ehs-teh-bahn
Meaning “crown” or “wreath,” this is the Spanish form of Stephen. It is a popular baby name choice in Latin America.
Pronunciation: fehr-nahn-doh
A fitting name for a baby born to a family who likes to travel, Fernando means “adventurer” or “brave voyager.”
Pronunciation: floh-rehn-soh
From the Latin expression florens, Florencio means to “prosper,” “shine,” or “flourish.”
Pronunciation: gey-bri-uhl
This name has strong biblical origins and means “God is my strength.”
Pronunciation: gee-yehr-moh
The Spanish version of William, this name peaked in popularity in the mid-’90s in the United States. Try Memo as a nickname.
Pronunciation: gu-sta-vo
This Spanish name has Swedish roots, making it a perfect choice if your heritage lies in Scandinavia.
Pronunciation: eeg-nah-syoh
A nod to Saint Ignatius, the true meaning of this name is unknown. However, it likely has origins in the Basque region of Spain.
Pronunciation: hay-meh
Jaime is a popular boy’s name in Mexico and is a Spanish form of James.
Pronunciation: wa-kin
A name made popular by actor Joaquín Phoenix, this unique boy’s name is a strong choice for your new baby.
Pronunciation: ho-zey
José is the most popular boy’s name in Latin America and is the Spanish version of Joseph.
Pronunciation: hoo-lyoh
Meaning “youth,” Julio is an appropriate choice for a baby boy.
Pronunciation: loh-rehn-soh
Lorenzo is Spanish for Lawrence and also has Italian origins. Try Renzo for a nickname.
Pronunciation: mah-teh-oh
This Spanish name is derived from Matthew and has long been one of the most popular boys’ names in Mexico, nearly cracking the top 10 most popular baby boy names in the U.S. in 2022.
Pronunciation: mahk-see-moh
Meaning “greatest,” this name is a wonderful choice for one of life’s greatest blessings.
Pronunciation: mee-gehl
The Spanish version of “Michael,” this biblical name means “who is like God.”
Pronunciation: ohs-kahr
This name has Gaelic origins and means “deer-lover.” It’s a perfect choice for your future nature lover.
Pronunciation: sahl-bah-dohr
Perfect for a future artist, the namesake of Salvador Dalí means “savior” in Spanish.
Pronunciation: toh-mahs
Meaning “twin,” the Spanish version of Thomas would make a great name for one half of a twin duo.
Pronunciation: ihg-zey-vyuhr
This variation of Javier means “the new house” in the Basque language.